
Friday, March 14, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 10: Soccer time

     The fall after  I graduated preschool.  I  turned five and started full inclusion pre-k.   I have a September  birthday  so  my  parents  wanted me to  wait another year  before kindergaten. They  talked to many people  that recommended that I  get another year to grow and learn  before  I start formal schooling.  Even though it was  pre -k  ment a new  school,  a privite traditional school with a small class size.  

 Soccer Star 

It also ment  soccer time.  I played soccer  on the neighborhood  tradtional   U5, bunch-ball  I got a great coach  who included me right from the start.   I would later  play  with him  in U10.  He would  nominate me  for  an award the second time around  and I would win.   He also  had a  daughter who attended out church.   I  was able to build community all around me because of inclusion  It worked.  Inclusion rocks.

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