
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Cerebral Palsy party day11:feet problems

 Yo ho  yo ho a Pirates  life for me.  Here I am  with  Princess on top  of the boat that was at a Children's Meausum .

     My  Cerebral Palsy is mild .  In fact  throughout my childhood. I  would say that my  feet gave me  little to no problem.   As I have aged,  I have noticed that  my feet are giving me problems.  My  endurance is not what it used to be.    I am  finding that   I have   to sit down more, or risk a throbbing pain in my foot.  I  have also found that I can not localize pain  very well.  For example  I  think   my feet hurt at the arch, yet  I  do not trust myself.  Happy st patricks day

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