
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 13 : Its always tough to say goodbye

          Today's  picture   is my last  day of kindergaten.  I  look sad but it makes  sense  because  transitions are very hard for me.

             For  me  boundaries  are very hard for me.   I think this is due to being bullied a lot as  a kid.   Its  tough to  grow up disabled because   you are more likely to get bullied and  regected rom  peers.   I am a  friendly outgoing person but   making  solid friendships are  a challenge for me.   I get along great with  teachers and stuff  but for the longest time they kept telling me  that  they were not my friends   All  that changed   when  professors  befriended  me in jr college.   I am  grateful for that because so many people have enforced those boundaries   When  people are willing to  listen to me  I   feel  great because  so often I am on the sidelines as life goes by.

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