
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 12 : My hair


  Yesterday  I  told you about my  feet  today let me tell you about my hair.    My  mom is African  American and my  dad is hispanic and  white.  When  It came to  hair  I inherited long hair   from my  Dad's  genes,   curly hair , from my mom.Sometimes it makes  for good pictures  like todays. 

 I  can not do my  hair and   I hate  getting it done because it is curly.  Add  to this  the fact that I have an  habit of  rubbing   my head  so it sticks up.     Shortly after leaving high school ,  I discover the power  of  hats.  Some  people might see  me  wearing a hat and think that I am a  hobo.     To that  I  have  the following to say.

Dear people who think I am a hobo 

I have something called CP which messes up my hands so I can not do my hair. When I was younger someone always did my hair in the morning, but it would stick up after rubbing my hands through my hair so it would stick up, so I  wear a hat. The hat has no correlation to my intelligence or my social class its just the fact that I have CP. Thanks and good night and the next time u see someone with a hat do not judge them because until u learn the whole story I have a disability and am doing the best  I can and no I do not want pity thanks 

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