
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 4: Team AZ


Today   is actually my  half  birthday.  So today's photo will be of my first b day.   I  had a great party,  I do not  remember  my first memory   comes about  preschool.   My  dad took some video  at the party and I have seen it.  I was  surrounded by family  and   friends.

 First  birthday loot
I  do  tend  to make connections with others.  It takes a  village  and  I  am  the  mayor.  I  actively recruit others  to be  a part of  Team  AZ.  Over the years   it has  include  family  friends teachers    my childhood OT& PT and  my  good  ST's .     My current team  incudes my  family,   A  bunch  of  people  at  my  jc, coaches  from Special  Olympics, and my  Facebook friends  and blog  readers .   I hope  everyone   has  enjoyed  being on team AZ  because  I have  enjoyed  having  all of you in my conner.

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