
Friday, March 7, 2014

Cerbral Palsy Party Day 5:Becoming a big sister

   So to end out the week  I am going to be posting some pics from  when book girl was a baby.  I   was two almost three.  My  parents  wanted  to have more kids so that I would have teachers.  They were right about the whole   teacher part  but what they did not realize  was that I would end up teaching them as well.   I  asked book girl what she has learned from me and she said that I have taught her patience and not to judge a book by its cover.  She  has taught  me   about asserting myself  along with how to juice

   Don't  cry  book  gal  its me AZ 
     AZ  watches over a sleeping book girl


  Have a  great weekend guys.  I am  going to a conference Friday and Saturday that I will blog about.    Be sure to come back  monday  for  more pictures.

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