
Monday, March 10, 2014

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 6 : Learning to talk

      Hay  guys  today  photos will be from  one  of my last days  in  EI.  Early  Intervention,   These  guys were great because they  taught  me everything I needed to know  before  preschool.   A funny thing is that despite my CP,  I graduated from  PT  as a toddler    I would  go  on to play neighborhood sports,  more on that later.   Early Intervention   taught me and my family sign language  so  I could communicate as my speech was  hard to understand.   Back  then   there was no  Signing  Time  so   I had  to  learn  by a teacher.  She  even    came to my house to tutor  me .  How cool was that

   My  family minus my  big  brother 

 I loved  Sesame Street 
 I am  so thankful that my  parents  worked so  hard   to get me to communicate    It  was key to  unlocking my potential.  I have  come a long way from using  sign language to express  myself.   Now   my  parents  and siblings  wonder  if  I will ever   be  quite.   I am  always  getting myself  in trouble at school  for  talking to much.    This is probly because   of  my  NLD, more on that later.

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