
Friday, March 25, 2016

National CP Day 2016 : Wishing Out Loud Please Do not pretend

          On this national CP Day  I  have  a request.     Do not pretend.

        I am a 24  year old college senior,  who graduates in June.   I understand  a lot of things.  I love to  read and devalued  Harry  Potter Books in my youth.   I  am very  good writer, despite   not having the best proof reading skills.   While  math is not my strong subject,  I can count change pretty well and worked at a Cash Register.

 Me Jumping rope. Notice my right arm is bent 
 Yet  it is  still apparent that I have  a disability.    My face mussels are very  tight and I can not control my  eyebrows at all .  My arms sometimes bend in different ways.   This does not cause me  pain and in fact it is only looking at photos and videos  that I realize that my arms bend in a  unique way.   I  have an  uneven gait, and  I do not always dress  the way other young adults  dress due to  sensory issues  and  always  being cold.

  The Biggest  thing that happens though is my speech.  I have a speech impairment.  My muscles in my mouth are  tight.  I do not open my mouth wide when I am talking.    I have dysarthria  that  is the result of Cerebral Palsy.    

  Please  Do not pretend that you understand me when I am speaking.

  My real name is hard to say.  Its four syllables long  with an R in  one of its syllables.  I hate my name but have no  ideas for a new name.   I  am still considering  a new name.  

 Me Eating a Banana.  That is how big  my mouth is 

     In the  meantime  if  I  come up and introduce myself to you and you're not sure what  I said, or anyone with a speech impairment  please  I   ask you to  to  asks us. to repeat what we said   We know  when you can not understand  and it sucks.  I know you think that we can not understand the difference and its an awkward situation; however,  it hurts.

 When you  pretend  to understand me.   I feel disrespected,  I  feel  like what I have to say is not important - which  makes it hard  especially since I'm nearing  the age to enter the l job market.  Please  presume  that I am making sense.  Please   be a little patient and   work with me;  ask  me to show you, or write it down.   Enlist the help of  others around you.    Let's work together  to  get my point across.  Because  what I have to say is important.


  1. Hi AZ.

    Did you devour Harry Potter? So did I?

    Or did you not like the works?

    I think a lot of people cover up what they don't understand, making the world and ourselves and each other harder to understand.

    :-D about the banana!

  2. So you're looking for a new name, AZ?

  3. Thanks for this post, it could be a part of the "End the awkward" campaign (which I mean as a sincere compliment). As a socially awkward (typically abled) guy with an amazing non-verbal son, I am new to the world of disability and want to avoid as much awkwardness as possible. I had never really though of how insulting it could be to have someone pretend they understood you, when it's fairly clear to you that they didn't.

    What would be the best way to respond? By being honest, and nicely saying something like, "I'm sorry, but I didn't quite get that"? Would it be really awkward to say something like "I really want to understand you, what's the bext way for us to communicate"? I'm guessing that would only work with someone that you have a fairly close relationship with.

  4. I have never read such quality post/article as yours, ever on the web. Your post/article is very detailed and insightful yet easy to understand. Please write more frequently for this/our community.


Thanks for stoping by please leave a comment. If you know my real name please do not use it in the comment thanks