
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mothers Day 2016

  Hi  guys sorry   I have been absent.  OCD  has not been kind to me these  past few months and I  am graduating and  generally  really busy.   But  I wanted to blog  for  Mothers day.

     My mother is the best mom I could  ever ask for.  She  is  strong beautiful  and wise.   There have been many times where I wanted to quit college. After an horrible college experience  I  did not  want to go back to school.   My mother was there   and was firm in her  stance.    I would finish  college no matter what.   I am now graduating  with my  BA in June.

     Whenever   I am in one of my  ocd meltdowns there is only one person that I  want to  talk to  it is my mom.   My mom may not  be trained in mental health.  She does her best and helps  talk me through things.    I know  its not easy to deal with - for both of us- but  she does it well.

 For all mothers  of disabled kids, and fathers too.  Thanks for  loving  us, helping us,. Thanks for  holding us,  talking to us,  playing and planing.    Motherhood  is not an easy job  for any parent but you do it and we love you for it.     For any  mother of a disabled  kid  who thinks that they are not doing enough  for their  kid.  Let me  assure  you that you are doing  the best  you can.    

And for my mother.

 Thanks for everything that you have done for   Princess  Bookgirl and  me.    Love you always.



  1. And your brother, AZ.

    I'll not forget there are 4 Chapmans in the family - all Champions in their own way.

    Yes, your Mum is good at handling OCD.

    Glad she stood by you and she must be so proud of you and your BA.

    Does your Mum do Mental Health First Aid? This is a good way for citizens to help each other.

  2. Adelaide.

    Thanks for thinking of my brother, He is actually from my Dad's first wife, so he has a different mom. Thanks for thinking of him though. I have never heard of Mental Health First Aide.

  3. AZ:

    I hope your brother thinks of his Mom too.

    Mental health first aid seems to be a very Australian concept.

    Here are two links: [lots of local programmes in California] [a bit contre; from HuffPost living]. [from the University of California Santa Cruz].

    Mental Health First Aid is about leadership; resilience and helping your friends and peers to notice the early signs and act upon them.

    It is in parity with physical first aid.

  4. Here is the link I wanted to leave with you:


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