Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 18 : National Cerebral Palsy Day 2015 - Please don't blow the candle out - A Ceep view on curing disabilities


  Happy   National  Cerebral Palsy   Day  everyone and the last day of  theCerebral Palsy  Party.   I hope  you are all  wearing green  today.
   Today is the  national day for Cerebral  Palsy Awareness. The history behind this is  Reaching for the stars.  These  guys are  trying to eventually find a cure for CP.

             Hay  guys  I want to let  you in on a secret. We don't  need a cure,  Now  at this point you may be thinking that this   person is  crazy and  doesn't make sense.   So on this day  I want to  share my feelings with you about why   as a person with Cerebral Palsy. The idea of a cure is treating to me.   I hope that there will not be a  cure  for CP or any other disability we are meant to be here.  
Keep the  candle  burning  people with CP are not  mistakes

        Now  there are two ways to look at disability.  One  way is to  say that disability is mistake,  a  mutation, damaged  broken. Disability is seen as a flaw.  This view  makes it easier to  separate  people with disabilities because  after all they are broken people who need to be fixed. This is known as the medical modal.   This is the dominate view  of disabilities that is  deeply imbedded into society. 

   Some  people with disabilities   see that   the world has it wrong.  Instead of believing that  people with disabilities are flawed   the society is at fault for denying us  rights.    I mean  the ADA  is  only 25    this  year .     Low expectations rule supreme  and segregation is still  practiced  under the name special.  That is far more disabling then  the disability.  I have  a personal experience with this.

   I come  from  a big sport family.    Both my parents played sports in their youth.   My brother played baseball for a number of years  and I spent saturdays at baseball games supporting him.  When  the fine motor challenges of playing with dolls  became too much for me I  turned to sports  where I was   able to join community team and recess.  I was a  true tom boy.  Did CP make it hard for me to play you  bet  but  I  really liked playing.

 In  eighth grade  I came to the realization that I probably  would not  continue to play  on inclusive teams.   IT WAS THEN THAT I LONGED TO BE NORMAL.   It was not  that I couldn't  talk clearly,  or   use my hands.  IT  WAS THAT I WAS NOT  GOING TO BE ABLE TO BE INCLUDED ON  A SPORT TEAM. 

 Now  if  there was a inclusion basketball team  I would not  have  yearned to be normal because  I  still would have been included on  a  sport team like I always  wanted to do.  If there were  the same opportunities offered to me  as my parents and siblings and to all  citizens  then    there  wouldn't need to be a cure because we  would be able to contribute to society.   

    Its like this, think of    life as a movie theater, now imagined   instead of seeing the movie  in two d  and  3d   You  saw it  through color lens.     These lenses  tint what  you see and how you  view    them.   A lot of factors go through  these color lenses including  race, gender,  economic status  ,family , political  ideation,and  disability.  In short the thing that you  are trying to cure has shaped how  I see the world around me.   I have lived with it my  entire life and will continue to live with it til  I  die.   If  disabilities were not suppose to exist   then they  would not  exist.  They have always been around .   It is  a part of diversity. One that I hope will always  be  included in every aspect of life.

  Happy  Cerebral Palsy   Awareness   Day.

    I am  disabled  and  proud

    There are no  new post   tomorrow but be sure  to   check out my other  post from CP month.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 17 : Gifts


 What is  a birthday  party  without  gifts.

 Today's  post will be a guest post.   I  asked people with CP in a facebook group that I am in to    tell me what   are some  gifts  that have been   given  to you because of CP.

This is what  other people  said.

"A more open mind to race gender sexual orientation social and economic inequality."

"A better understanding of social issues, I suppose."

"a sense of humor. 

"All of the above"


Creative problem-solving skills.

It's hard for me to pick out specific gifts because cp has impacted so much in my life mostly in a positive way. Nothing about me would be the same without cp, that includes my gifts. I guess the greatest gifts I have because of my cp is the ability to use my experiences as a disabled person to help others with disabilities, especially children with disabilities.

Please  be sure to wear  green tomorrow for   CP  Day .    Here is a video that I was a part of.

 See you tomarrow and do not forget to go green,

Monday, March 23, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 16: Thank you Cerebral Palsy

   So   Last week  was a   really fun  week with videos   this week  will be back  to  blogging

   What party is  complete without Thank you cards .     They Show    appreciation  for the gifts   you  got.   I  have been  really  bad with  thank you cards so  I am  going to  do  it early.

  Today I want to  share with you my thank you letter  to my CP.    Think that CP  Doesn't  have  anything to thank me for guess again.
*****************This is my  Opinion.  Everyone is entitled to  one.  This one  just is mine.   I am only speaking for myself. ******

Dear  Cerebral  Palsy,
               To  many outsiders  you are nothing but a burden.  Damaged  broken  something that lessons my  quality of life, yet to me you  are the best surprise  that my  parents ever   got.      While many   people are not sure  what they  want  to do professionally.  You  have  made it so easy  for me to decide what I want to do  with my life...  Go  into the field of  disability and special  education because  of you   the choice is simple.  I have  known  since  third  grade.

You  force  me  to see  the world from a unique perspective.   Where as  walking  talking  using  your hands with ease can sometimes be  taken for granted our mussels  are  tight ( pun  intended ) .  When  I am  able to say  a new sound,  cut  with  a fork or knife,  or  write  neatly  it is a celebration thank you  CP for giving me   more to celebrate.


 Last year 's   basketball tournament 

Thank you  CP  for allowing me to be able to easily  see  the  competence of  people with  disabilities.  I  see in  in  LM  and all  my special  olympics   team mates .  I  do not put on the   disabled glasses that see people  with disabilities  as  broken  or   for ever children.  I see them as  fully  human beings capable of  both  good and bad.      I am  able to see  past the ablest attitudes   that are so prevalent within our society and  want to fight them.  I am  a big  supporter of inclusion because    I  have  had to cope with a society that routinely tells me that  I am  separate  because  I am not "normal".

  In short  thank-you Cerebral  Palsy for  shaping  me into the person I am  today.   I  do not  view you  as   accident.  We were meant   to be together on this journey  called  life.

   Your best friend

  AZ  Chapman

 PS  Thank you  for allowing me to feel an instant connection  to other Ceeps.   And for  giving me a key into  the best  online community of  disabled people.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Day 15. Party activities part five

     Happy Friday guys.  With the end of the week  comes the last activity/ Cerebral Palsy Can video,

Who  would have thought   that when I  picked up  a putter  at   my friend's   mini golf party  back  in 2000   that  a few  years  later  it would become  one of my  favorite sports.

Today's    activity  is   golfing.  I began golf    the summer  before my sophomore year of high school.    A lot has changed since then.  Golf is now one of  my  favorite sports.  I have  memories  and  memorabilia from  High School Golf  days  where I was  on the  practice  team  for  three  years.  Last summer I   competed in my first Unified Golf   tournament.  My goal   for this season is  to  play  solo.   I have to  get more course time to be able to play in order  to bring my score down.   I love   to play  golf.

 What is  your favorite sport?  Do you have any questions   for me about CP?  Let me know   in the comments.     Also  remember  to  wear green on Wednesday  for  CP  day.  Look  forward to  hearing  from you .

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 14 Party activities Part four

        Another day another  activity

What Party is complete without dancing 

         I have been playing  basketball  since kindergarten.   I love  basketball and  have always  been a great shot.    Long time readers  know that I   played   traditional  basketball  from   fifth  til  eighth  grade  and  Special  Olympics  basketball  since  freshman  year of   high school.      This past weekend  we  had a tournament where we  were placed on a new level.  We  lost all of all games  but I  made a lot of buckets.     In two   of the  games I  scored   the first  bucket of the game.    One of the  games   that happened  in the seconded quarter  so I  was  really happy.     My  parents did not get  any  video  last weekend  so the clips are from 2014  when my   team was in  level four A.    We  got first   that year.


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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 13 Party Activities part three

       Another Day  another activity

 Today's  activity  is  earning money .  Just like  in  duck  duck  goose  finding work has been a challenge. I  tried to work at Target   and at a  Rec center last year , but those  did not  work out.   Luckily  I was able to  be a goose  when     the bookstore hired me.   I have  been  employed  since  November  at  my  jr college  bookstore.  I  love  my  job.  My  co workers and managers are great.I am learning  a ton and  after a  hard time  at university  any  place with  good  nice patient people   is a great place   to be.    The  place I work  for is  three different   sites.  The  bookstore,  the  market and  coffee bar,  and  a Copy and Post center.       I love  my  job  even if it means  waking up  early in the morning.

 My top three  tasks to do at work  are.

1  Strapping books

2  Working on the Cash  register in the market

 3  Dropping off packages around campus.

Got image  from.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 12 : Party activities Part two .

  Cerebral Palsy  activities,  part  of   Cerebral Palsy  Can  day two.

Todays  activity     is  Excelling in school.    I  am really  smart    ironically  because I  have a   speech  impairment and people often  assume that I  can not learn.     I am   very smart with unclear speech.  If there is one  thing to  takeaway   from this  blog is  this articulation has nothing to do with  intelligence.    I  graduated  with honors   from   Community College.  I also was one of the few  in my school to make dean list on multiple semesters .

 Tune in tomorrow  for part   three of  party  activities.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 11: Party activities part one,

       What Children's party  is complete  without  activities,

  This weeks  posts are are about activities.  This  ties in nicely to   UCP's  campaign Cerebral Palsy Can.   Click on the link  for more information. So day  one  of this activity party is  voting.   I can  vote  just like anyone else and have  views  on  national  issues.

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party day ten - Birthday Cards - Learning to read with CP

   So today post is  birthday   cards.   These are important because without them you wouldn't know who the present is  from.

 Todays post will be recycled post I did   on learning how to  read with Cerebral Palsy. This was originally  a three part  series  but these post will all be below

 Part  one

   Let me  start out by saying that I love to read.    It should be no surprise.  These next few  post   will be about how  I learned to  read.  I   read   in a way dispute  never learning  phonics .    Well  not in the traditional way.  I  know what the letters  are supposed to sound like  but   producing those sounds is a different  story.  This  is  due to   Cerebral  Palsy.  Not all   people with CP   have speech  issues.    They  range  from   no problems to   using     speech  devices to  talk.     I  would  classify myself  as   somewhere in the middle.    I  do not need a speech device  but sometimes people do not understand me.  This  can get  frustrating.   I do  a lot  of substituting   which  means that    I  would  say cat   as  "tat"   or  dog as  dod.  I  also  do this  for L's and R  which  i  replace with a  W.   Let me  make this  really  clear the reason  for my lack of substituting sounds has nothing to  do with intelligence. I am  smart  just see  Monday's  post.  Now   I hear myself fine  and understand myself  100 percent of  the time.   Now this sounds contradictory but despite being able to  hear    all the sounds    so  I can sound out  words  I am a bad speller. Not sure why  this is    but  I  would like to be a better speller and I want to  take a spelling class in the  near future.    Anyway  this  might seem  that  I  would be  a uphill battle to  make me understand  reading  but  it really wasn't.( at least that's not what I remember) 

        I  hated  learning  phonics  for me   it was  a reminder to me that I was 'different' in fact  I  remember being told that by my teachers,     For parents of kids  with articulation  delays  do not stress  phonics.  It is helpful to know phonics  but  it is not required.   Model the  sounds  read to your kids   but  do not  stress   hearing the phonics  from them.    People  who  are non verbal can still read as well  as long as people    know how to teach them.

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  Part Two 

    Growing up   my family had a lot of  kids book  lying around  our house.    Among with the Disney   we had  lots  of    step into  reading books .    Out of  all of them  the book  I  remember  reading for the first time  was Tiger is  a Scaredy Cat.  

  Looking back    I say it was a sad  irony that I  remember  this  book   as  I  deal with  fear.      But that was  my 'first independent book.     I also have memories   of  reading this book in  pre  K.  

    Do you remember your first book        What books are/were your    kids   favorite ,

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 Post  three 

   I was recently asked  what my  least favorite  letter/ sound  is  and after  much thought i  think it is C

 I  have been  working on C   for a long  time.     It  has been  hard   work  and  i have memories of trying to say  Car  cat cookie    instead of  Tar tat  tootie.  

 Do not be fooled by the Graphic "c" is  a hard soud

 I  remember in  K  my teacher  had this  phonics book  of  letters in the alphabet.  I was  in a mainstreamed class    and   I  remember  her introducing the  C book and  explaining  the  sound and adding    you  should be able to  say it.  I remember asking her why  I could not  say  C and  being  told  I was different,

  Inclusion also  did wonders  for my  reading ability.    If you have not watched my inclusion story   you  can  watch it below.

      Happy  Friday   guys.   I have a basketball tournament  this weekend, so my parents   and  I  will be  staying at a hotel  near the game site tonight. It should be  fun.  Tune  in next week for  more .

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day nine Noise makers : Reflections on drool,

            I have lots of memories of  blowing  noise makers at birthday parties. These were very fun and kept us  kids occupied while  annoying   the parents .

 Today's  post will be about drool.

I am a  twenty three year old college student.   I   am  really  good at  sports.    I also drool  somedays.   I  drool because of my  CP.   I have a speech impairment  and a hard time   controlling my silva.  When I was younger Princess used to  give me a hard time on  drooling.  She  hated it because it  was  gross.    I  had always thought that I  was the only one who  had  saliva until   I learned about the digestive system in  fifth grade.

   Drooling never really bothered me that much  growing up until   someone   made a comment saying that was  gross.      Since then I have been  really  self conscious about drooling.   When  I drooled   on a   test    a few weeks ago  I apologized   profusely.  the professor was really understanding and told me no worries.

    One thing that  I  would like  people to do  when  I drool  is to  be  patient, and understanding and try not to judge.   Don't  pity me or assume that I  do not understand things because   I  am  very smart.     I  just happen to drool,

 image from

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cerebral Palsy party day eight : Party hats - General information on CP.

  Today's theme is  party hats.

  Cerebral  Palsy is caused by  damage to the brain  is what   most  people will see disabilities  merrily
as.  I  say  its a stroke of uniqueness.  CP  did affect my brain but    it  also gave me a unique way of being on this earth( more info  coming March 25) .   Everybody seems to know me around town and I think  Cerebral Palsy  is part of the reason  that I am  Unforgettable.  This song  played  when I was being born.   I have been unforgettable ever sense.    

 For more general information  please  click here.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party day seven, Front door service : A rant about the importance of being on time to school

          Some  people chose to have their parties at home.    I  had many of childhood birthday parties at home especially  as a toddler.   Now a days people tend to dress up their  front doors to invite guest into their homes

    Something else that comes to the door  daily for many kids with disabilities  weekdays are school buses.   I used to be a rider on these said buses  as a pre school student.  So my memories of them are fuzzy.   I have heard  way too many stories about buses being very late to pick up kids with disabilities.  I am not talking about five minutes or even  ten  minutes late  I am  talking about   45 minutes to an hour late.

    Now  imagine  if you will if this  was a school bus  for   general education students.   I went to an elementary  school that bused kids in from  out of area to the school.  For the most part they were on time,  In fact the school would   announce  on the intercom if the bus was  running late, it was an nor  a  a daily occurrence if the bus was late.  The sad thing is that school buses for people  with disabilities are often times very late in picking them  up.   This happens pretty regularly too.     This is not fair.

Bus companies please  respect  disabled students education and get them to school on time.    It is so important because  they  need the instructional
time  in school like their  able bodied  counterparts.

 My  friend  Cara   wrote something about   the short bus.  Its  great.  You can   read it here 

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Monday, March 9, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 6 Food

 Food.  Whats a party without food  right.   After all  you sing Happy  Birthday    in front of a cake.

  Todays post will be about   how to make cafeteria;s more accessible to people with CP.    Now  I have  been in two schools with a cafeteria.    My two colleges.   My  junior college was awesome in accessibility.  They even  cut up  my  pancakes for me  when I get  breakfast on  campus.   The private college was not so  great.  One   thing they could have done better was  the pizza.   At my junior college  pizza  is in a box which makes it really easy to  grab  and  get in  line. The private college had pizza on a platter which you have to serve yourself.   This is  very  hard for  me because my  hands are  not that strong,   I have to ask  people  to help me, happily they have been willing to help me.

 Ordering  food  is also  a challenge for me. Although  I have  improved my speech  quite a bit,   I can be hard to understand at times.  One  way  I can  get around this is by writing it down on the notes section on  my I Phone   or  trying to repeat it  using  my best articulation.  When  I  am on break at work  I   usually grab  a personal pizza  or   an  pre made sandwich to save time.

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Day five How to get to the party (Biking Ceep edition)

 Today's topic is transportation.

            So  how do you get  to the party?"  Where you  drive or ride bikes  or  take a bus
. Today  I am  going to talk to you about Bikes.

       Bikes are really important to a child's independence.  It allows  people to get from point A to point  B   faster then walking.  Plus its  great excise and saves the planet.

  Third Grade Bike Award for biking down to the water temple and back
    People with CP have some more challenges to riding a bike.  This is due to poor balance.   Balance issues are  common for ceeps. Some people with mild CP can  ride  a  traditional bike  while others need adapted bike.

  For me, I  rode a bike  with training wheels  til  I was almost 12.  The older I  got, the harder it was to ride with  training bike. What made  it harder was when my two  younger sisters got two wheel bikes   while I  had a bike with training wheels.

       A  few  weeks  before I  started middle school, I got  a new bike.   It was the 3e trike.  The
  My Bike    Fall 2003
people who built the world's fastest bike    also built my bike. I love my bike  and I can  ride for a long time without getting tired.   The one bad thing is that  it  has been broken since 2010.   I  really miss riding  my bike.

   Because my bike has been broken for a while,  I am thinking about trying to buy  a new bike  called mobo.   It looks  really  cool and I have seen it in action when an athlete rode it to Special Olympics  golf practice this past summer.

 Happy  Friday everyone tune in  next week for Week two.   Have a great weekend,

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Day Four Invitation ( Handwriting with Cerebral Palsy)

     So today's  idem is invitations.    Once  we pick out the location  and themes its time to invite  friends over to party.

  For our purposes those I   am  going to talk about handwriting. Now  I am not a Occupational Therapist, OT  for short; however,  I do know a thing or two about handwriting with Cerebral Palsy thanks  to my  awesome memory.

  When I was young before I was able to write, My parents got me a bunch of pre writing activities.  You have to remember  this is in the 90's  before I pads, though  I had a computer  with  tons of educational games that  were kinda like the educational apps  that are out today.  ( If you have any good educational apps for teaching kids how  to write  please leave a comment below).    In  Pre-K  my tutor, who used to be my special education teacher  gave me a slant board to work on writing. This was helpful when I was learning how to write.  I had a slant board at home  but at school  I  did not have that so I had to write  on my own.

 Great  game.   I wish they make a remake This was the best game.
What they did have at school  was  read write and type.  A cool computer  game that taught typing and phonics.  This  is crucial for people with CP.   We may not know many people in person with CP but there are a ton of people online with CP.

Offline though  I like to use Sumo Grip Pencils.  These are mechanical pencils that  have a really good grip which makes it great for people with CP.

   Happy  Writing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day three Themes ( The role of disabled actors )

Ok  so  in keeping with  themes .  good parties have themes  and most of these come from  the media.   Will the theme be from a movie or a TV Show.

    Hollywood is a very hard business   to  break into, but its nearly impossible with  Cerebral Palsy. The  reason being that  most  characters with disabilities are portrayed by able bodied characters.    Not only that but people who play these parts get awards for their performances  like this past oscars  where both of the best actor winners were given to people with disabilities;

  Why would this be a bad idea. Well lets say that you are a kid who does not go to an inclusive school.  A  kid that has never had a disabled neighbor  or friend.  When you  go to the cinema and see people with disabilities  portrayed in movies  you think   " That is what disability looks like  because that is all  I have seen in terms of disability.  This is bad because its just acting and at best  its  an interpretation of how a person with a disability is suppose to act .

         We  used to do the same thing to  African Americans in the days during slavery and reconstruction.  It was called a minstrel show.  White Actors were black makeup and acted a fool for entertainment.  It was  horrible.  Here is  a small clip. of  what it was like.

     If  it wasn't ok  back then then  it currently  isn't ok to have able bodied characters portray disabled ones.    Actors with disabilities can do a better job portraying those disabilities  for the simple fact that we understand the disability because we live with it every day.    One  of the best movies I have seen  about inclusion is Yo Tambien or  Me Too.  Its a romantic drama about a young man with Down Syndrome portrayed by an actor with the same disability, who falls in love with an average women. This movie does a good job  by  creating a character that defies the stereotypes that  are typical for characters with disabilities.  I highly recommend watching it.

     On a  related note  today is  Spread the Word to End the Word today.  In my town I have heard the word less which I believe means that the event is working.  Words are powerful and have meanings deeply  rooted in American Culture. These are not ok to use or say.  Words matter.  Here is a post I wrote on  the topic   a few years back.

   BTW   I really liked the theory of everything    but  I wish that the actor had an disability.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Cerebral Palsy Party Day 2 : Location (Accessibility)

Hay  guys so what   the theme  I  am going to try to keep up with  is  a party theme . Specifically   Children's  Birthday theme.  So  each  day  I will pick a specify aspect then me  relate it  to Cerebral Palsy/ Disabilities.

 Today's   Idem is  Access

          When plaining a party  it is important  to pick where the party will be healed.  A bowling ally, a  bounce house fun zone , art  gallery
 A fun place for a party

  As a person with mild CP,   I have not had to think about access that much because I am able to walk.   When  I started at small religious college  I did have to think about access because there were wooden stair case.  I have no problem going up and down steps;however, I do need to be able to hold onto a rail and with the wooden staircase that meant    risking splinters.  This got me thinking and as I  looked around the campus I noticed how inaccessible  one class building was to students  that use wheelchairs.  One building had narrow hallways and  no elevator. This  would make it hard for students who use wheelchairs to navigate  these hallways successfully.  

 When places are accessible  it allows for all people to  join in the party office school classroom and playground.  It  may cost  money, but the payoffs are wonderful.  At my  jr college,  it is accessible and the  people know how to be inclusive there.  Its like a second home to me.

  Weather can also play a big part  in accessibility.  I  love the snow, but  being from  California I have never had to live in it.   Snow can be difficult in a wheelchair as evident in this story. 
 People should  treat ramps elevators and hand rails with respect because for  people  with Cerebral Palsy and other physical disabilities these tools allow us to be independent.

Tomorrow's topic   is themes.  Wonder how that relates to Cerebral Palsy  tune in tomorrow.  Leave a comment  before you leave though  so I  know that someone is  reading  this.

  PS  please keep my mom  and me  in your thoughts this week as she is going to Mexico  for some spring  fun with her friends . She will be back on Saturday.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Its that time of Year

  Hay  guys  so its that time of year.    Its  time  for  the  Cerebral  Palsy party  2015.  I   did this  last year and  am  excited to be doing this again this year.   I  am plaining  on  writing  post   with a cool theme that will be revealed tomorrow,   If you guys want to   join me in this party    you can in two ways: One    follow this blog my Facebook  page. The  second way  is to   blog  every week day ( Monday through Friday ) about  CP   leading up to  March  25 which is national CP day, in the US .   If  you decide to take me up on this quest  to  spread  awareness  let me know and I will share your blog on here so    others  can  follow you.

 Did you know that  in  the admins of a facebook  group  only for  people with CP have come up with a word to describe others  with  the same stroke of uniqueness.  I  present to you the new  vocabulary word

Ceep - a person that has Cerebral Palsy 

Come back tomorrow for more info. 
 Lets  get this Party Started.