IEP: went really bad enough said..
In other news i have been acting well in English class. Four days in fact last Friday -through Thursday (Friday we went to a play about AIDS) It was part of days of respect which happened at school last week. the secret is simple Mr T is my favorite teacher this year and when he talked to me about relaxing and giving up being the center of attention it cliked thanks to a song. i have frond that I learn better too if I let the Info come to me thanks (Disney if y do not understand look below) and do not raise my hand . This has not yet transform into other classes yet but it has to start somewhere right?.
On Thursday my club the DDAC was a part of a school wide fair for Days of respect week. I did not get videos on my filp because it was so hectic. We set up two games or simulations one was blindfolding a person stick there hand into a paper bag and trying to see what the object was and the other was doing a puzzle with your fingers tied. Ido not have pics but will post about the simulations soon with what I have from the night before next week some time.
(Pic is of Princess , book gal , Balu, and me from our last time in Disneyland Summer 2006)
1 comment:
About not being the centre of attention in English class: well done. Mr T is a great teacher.
Like the idea of doing puzzles with fingers tied.
Bare Neccesities is a good video. Respect is one of those! Respect, I think, is seeing a person bare. And looking them in the eye
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