since bear nessicties has worked
but tomarrow will be difficult because i have to go to work or else I can not go to basketball why n difficult because due to acting out once I now can not work in the afternoons which means I have to work during school hours missing two classes and my routine beng changed. I did not get to choses what i want to work at or when there are jobs after school with help so now i am going on a job hunt.
I am going to leave you with a poem
( me when I was almost three although I act three I am not three anymore)
Dreams are dreams
Teachers and job coaches
I know you want the best
but what happens when you are gone?
I have to have the ability
to go after my own dreams
and make my dreams live on
Everyone deserves to dream
clam what he wants
Dreams are dreams
goals or goals
satisfaction is satisfaction
but if you try to put people with disabilities into a mold
It like songbird dies in a golden change
A trap that I do not wish to fall into
I want no cage of gold
I want to be as indecent as possible
so please will you try to talk to me
I may feel frustrated
but please understand
It is due to the warrior spirit
I have had to acquire
to protect my own dreams
Dreams are dreams
Love the songbird and the warrior parts of your poem.
You might be interested in Laura Hershey's words about women, disability and poetry.
Women Disability and Poetry
And remember: a goal is a dream with deadlines.
And I like the line "I want to be as indecent as possible".
Did you mean "independent" in that line?
I think some independence will come with maturing. Young adults with disabilities (myself included) often obtain social and other skills later than their peers, even into their 20s and 30s. Just because you aren't fully independent at 18 doesn't mean you will never be independent. I have been fortunate enough to do well with academics, but I still need help in some other areas. Over the past few years (I'm 24 now), I've gained a lot of social skills that I definately did not have when I was 18.
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