Friday, May 1, 2015

Blogging against disablism day 2015 : My ideal classroom

Blogging Against Disablism Day, May 1st 2015

 This quarter  I am venturing into  my field of choice,  special education,  my  goal: to become a special education teacher  who provides  inclusive services to high school students with intellectual disabilities .

 image of and empty classroom. The classroom has desks  a flag and Television

      My  program would  have  kids with intellectual disabilities included for English, History, and Science and  elective with modifications and  support.  They would  be doing work that  is connected to what the other  students in class are doing  modified to their  level.

 My students  would have math and life skills  in a special education class that I would teach.  I say math because some of my students might need  life skill math.     The math would be temporary   I would reach out to general education  math  teacher with the hope  of  having students with intellectual disabilities included. I would  try to offer life skills for general education students because  all kids need to learn life skills,   Life skills would be one period.

  A lunch time sandwich shop  which  students with and without disabilities would get work  experience,

   Office Aids  and on campus jobs for  my students.

  A chance to participate in sports and  plays or anything else that students are interested in.

  Homework every night  to reinforce learning concepts.

   Special Olympics  practices that would be healed  AFTER SCHOOL  once a week and compete in the community program.

  Independence jars where  students  can do things both at school and in the community and then  get  tokens  to earn  for their jars.

     Presumed  Competence

    Fun club  which would take place monthly. Students  with and without disabilities would be invited  to do fun things in the community.  Events would include   activities in their communities.   This would be done after school.

  Lofty  goals  and high expectations.

   My  main goal for my  students would be to learn and have fun. (in that order)

  Who  knows  as I go through my  teaching maybe  I will  add more things to this list. One thing that will not change in my mind is  inclusion in core subjects.   I am a die hard inclusion fan for life.

 My high school  graduation photo. 


The Goldfish said...

Thank you for contributing to Blogging Against Disablism Day! Your ideal classroom sounds like an amazing place. The very best of luck to you on this new adventure!

Never That Easy said...

Your ideal classroom sounds amazing, and I wish you luck - we need all the good, inclusive teachers we can get. (Says a former Kindergarten teacher, who still cherishes all the little pictures of me in my wheelchair that students would randomly draw.)

Anonymous said...

This is a great post. I attended a mainstream school for secondary education (there were few other students with disabilities, none iwht my kind of disabilities). For most subjects, I did well without modifications, but for those I needed modifications for, I appreciated it if the teacher had my classwork be connected to that of the other students.