Hay guys between Finals and everything I do not have time or energy to come up with a thought provoking post this year for inclusive schools week, but I wanted to say Happy Inclusive Schools Week.
Classes have been going ok, but it has been hard to stay motivated because there is a good chance that I won't be able to be an inclusive teacher. So I am still trying to figure out what I can do carrer wise so it has been a rocky journey these past two months. I wish there was a way but because of my terrible articulation it wouldn't be fair to my students.
How have I been dealing with this.
It depends some days I am ok but other days I am blue. I'd give anything to be able to speak better but at this point according to a speech thearpist chances are not good that I will improve. So continuing to push forward is very hard but I will keep at it.
Do I still belive in inclusion despite this News
Yes there have been many happy times throughout my school carer where inclusion has been great. I read some good books played on playgrounds, explored my world. I have met so many great people and gotten lots of awards because I was in inclusive education. Here are some of them
Kindergarten |
Award Second Grade |
Student of the day |
Senior Prom Spring 2010 |
T and I Junior College Graduation
DK and I chilling out summer 2013 |
Go Carting for a project April 2015 |
Playing Unified Summer 15 |
Me and Dr B wearing green for World Cerebral Palsy Day 2015 |
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