I do not hope that there will be a cure for CP because I am not suffering. Honestly do I look that I am suffering from CP. I am not broken, therefore I do not need to be fixed. CP is a part of who I am. Please do not pity me. I am on a adventure called life, which includes CP. I do have hopes for fellow CPers.
Ten things I hope that people with CP have.
I hope that kids with CP will have the chance to meet other kids and adults with CP so they will have role modals.
I hope that kids with CP will attend school and develop a love of learning.
I hope that people with CP will be valued members of their families.
I hope that people with CP will be valued members of their community.
I hope that people with CP won't get bullied.
I hope that people with CP will find friends
I hope that people with CP will enjoy life and have fun.
I hope that people with CP won't always have to prove that they are intelligent.
I hope that people with CP will have people expect greatness from them.
Ps if you are wearing green today. Let me know. If you want to send me a picture of you or your loved ones wearing green. Post a pic on my AZ Chapman face book page. or email me azchapman1991@gmail.com. You could be featured in a upcoming blog post.