Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Recycled Post: It should not be a fight

  Originally written in 2010 ..  I stand by what I say though 

   I have  seen and heard  Many stories about    parents  who  have to   fight  for there child  to be in   mainstream  and   after  reading such  accounts  I  wonder why  does  it have to be a fight   on there  part    to   let disabled  kids  go to inclusive  school.

My mom  came  to   my  kindergarten  class    when we had our career
  unit I am  sitting on    my  teachers lap   listening to what she does  in the
I  have always  been  included  since  kindergarten.  It was a no  brainier    for  my  parents  and the  two  school districts  because  I  have   normal    intelligence.      I would not trade      inclusion   for special  education,  (although  I must admit  I  wish  I had  more life skills when I graduated high school ) because I have  met so many wonderful  teachers, students and faculty as well as  being  apart   of   all of my school  communities.  I  have  so  Many great   memories   of     being in the  mainstream  and  going  on  field  trips  and  discovering     new  things.      I  just graduated   from  inclusive  high school  but  have  left behind   a club and lessons  that  others have  learned  from  me.

Ms P  (red)  was my sped teacher  all t
throughout high school here  i am  with her
 halloween 2009
  I have had   help and support   from special  education  teachers and staff  and have  participated in  ST     a  one  to  one aid  and  Work ability   while  being  able  to read    write and  learn  with  people  in my community, people who  live  near  me and     in my city    because  I have  been  in inclusive education

 Field trip  fun.
I   care so much about inclusion  because   Cerebral  Palsy   could  have    caused me  to  have a  intellectual disability  are be     so  disabled  that  the  best  place  for me   would have  been a separate  class  or  a special   needs  school.    I     care because  I  have  friends with   disabilities both online   and in  real life   who are not included . I   see   what  a shame it  is  that  other people will not have the chance  to get to know them.

Art work  2009   the teacher
used  to be a sped  teacher
  I  took  ceramics  during my Senior
year  of high school 

 I have  heard   from a  favorite  teacher of mine that    when  they taught at   another  school the kids with disabilities  were  there  but  they never  got to see  or talk to them.  The kids   missed  out   on getting  to  see   and talk  and  make a connection  with   the  person  who has been  a great   mentor and  friend to me.       The teacher  has been  working as teacher for  a while  but  I  was  their  first    student my   level  of  disability    it was not easy  but    like they  said    at the end of the  year   " Oh  the stories we could  tell"  and     I   am a character in  that story  along with  the  other students.(maybe   mine are the   annoying  and hard stories  but     hopefully there are some great ones of just me and  the whole class) I  have not heard  any  stories  yet from that class  but   I would buy the  book .........I  think.....  lol

 School is not the only  area that  inclusion
  should  apply to but to   all types of  recreation for
  peers of   similar ages. I played  soccer in AYSO    from pre k
 to  8th  grade every fall

 Inclusion     should  not be    so  hard because  unlike a driver's   test which should be  earned because the   result  of     it not  going  badly are deadly     inclusion  dose  not hurt anyone . In fact inclusion  benefits  everyone   involved the students  teacher s and school community.       In    all classes i have been  in  (AP   US history  include)   everyone isn't  at the same level  so why is it that    people  say it is  easier  not  to  have  kids with  intellectual  disabilities   at the  same   classrooms. With   mortifying  assignments    or    simplfilng  the  information     all kids would be able to learn better.  Inculsion   was not  a fight  for me  and should not be a fight for anyone  else.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

OCD Awareness week

   I have  OCD.  Those  three  letters  ruined my life. It causes me  a ton of pain and anxiety.  My OCD is also one that isn't  well known.  I have  thoughts that I do not like. It causes me to  have panic attacks and has limited me.  I know  CP  should not prevent me from living independently   I know young adults with CP who have lived  internationally.  For me  i live at home because of OCD.

  To understand what it is like to have  OCD watch Birdy's story.  I was diagnosed with OCD at 15.

I am  geting better at handling it all the time

Monday, October 13, 2014

Unified Golf


         The  red ball is   part of  a campaign to get more people involved in Unified Sports. I thought I would share my  reflections from my first Unified golf tournament   Its an event to   encourage people to play unified.

 In August I played in my first Unified golf tourment. It had a  fun time.  I  got to know a fellow female golfer I will  call her Kim.  Kim is actually step mom to a guy  I went  to high school with.  We were even  able to meet up and practice on a  friday night. Which got me out of the house.    I  love  golf a lot.  I  played  golf in high school on the  practice team.

The Unified  golf it self is really  cool. It was the first time I played on the course in a tournament so  it  made it really exciting    I played Ok.  I had some bad shots but Kim was able to help me refocus and play.    We got sliver but I would say that  the other two teams were similarly matched.    I  really  wish  the special olympics  season was a little bit longer.    Our season was only eight weeks  long.  My  goal for next season is to play 9 hole individual  round.    Speaking of next year I really hope that I will be able to  make the trip down to  LA  next year  to watch the opening ceremonies next year.

 Here are some more  pictures

 WE both got medals because we both played hard. 

 On the course selfie

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week in review

Last week was world cp day and i got a good grade on my philosphy test .  

This week was ok my parents left town for a confrence so it is a bit lonely here but I have a ton of stuff to do for school .Can not wait til Wednesday. I went to The Big Wave Harvest festivle yesterday and helped out all day. My favorite part was rideing on 
the back of Coach J's truck. I had fun. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014


 Please follow meon instragram tune in tomarrow for week in reveiw