Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poem. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2013

Gavin David Leong the Fallen Supper Hero: A boy who will never be six

      He is a boy  who will never be six. 
He is a boy  who will never cuddle  with his mom,
  Sit with his dad,  
Or   play with his brother,  
 He is a boy who will never be six.

He is a boy who left this earth too soon.
 He is a boy who  made a difference. 
 He was a  boy who did not need to  pretend to be a supper hero,
 because he was   
He is a boy who will never be six. 

   Experts say he was deaf, 
 but he heard  his mother's voice. 
 Experts said that he never walked
 on December ,12 ,2012 he  walked across the kitchen floor.
 Experts said  he was not going to learn much 
 Yet he understood how  to hit a switch to ask for water
 He was a fallen hero . 
A boy who will never be six. 

OH God  how I hope and pray 
that you surround his family with love and grace 
 helping them feel in place 
 with their supper hero gone 
 A boy who  will never be six
 He will never be forgotten,  

I never knew this hero,
 I met him online .
Everyday I would read his stories 
on his family blog 
Chasing Rainbows .
I met him 
Meny met him 
 He touched so many lives 
 Like heros do. 

Oh Gavin 
David Leong .I   mourn  for you
 You were so brave 
 and so true.
 There is nothing that I  wouldn't  do to support your family
 ED,   Kate, and Brain 
 You will always have a place in my heart  along with Gavin
  Know  guys that  the  cyber special needs community
Morns with you.
We mourn  for a boy.  
Moans for a boy who did not  have to pretend he was hero. 
 because he was a supper hero.
 A boy who will never be six.
Rest in Peace Gavin.   

Monday, April 26, 2010

Honorable mention again

Hi guys I want to let you know that I won an another award for my poetry. This is the same contest I won last year. I do not have a copy of that poem so in the mean time here is the one i won last year
Dare to dream big

When I was little
I had big dreams.
I wanted to be a construction worker,
High school sport star.
I dreamed, and I thought
If I made the good dreams big enough ,
I thought
Just maybe
Just maybe
It could come true.

When I got older,
Just shy of ten,
I began to question
If I could control
my destiny.
I realized that I was different somehow
From the rest of the kids on the playground.
I had two acronyms attached to my name
They were
CP, and NLD
I began to realize this and sometimes felt ashamed.

Then there came middle school.
That was the worst.
Kids teased me and I got my feelings hurt.
I sucked.
I was a loner.
The worst kid in the entire seventh grade class.
What made it worse was that CP was in my face.
I always got cut from team sports,
The games I loved most.
The things that made papa boast,
Like he did for the baseball king,
My elder brother.

Around this time
My dream came to me
And whispered softly into my ear to
“Please do not let me leave your side
Let me stay and let me help you as a guide:
For new stories,
New songs,
New programs,
That I long to belong to.
Programs that saw inclusion as key
To opening the doors for all kids,
Even those with disabilities.”

All in all
I want to leave you with this:
Reach for the stars,
But when you land on the stars
Go for the moon.
Make your future yours
Despite what others think you can do
Whether you are short, or way too tall,
Or have some type of disability
or none at all.
With hard work
And a little money ,too,
They might
Just might
Come true.
The choice of a future is up to you.
I dare you to dream big and see it through.
After all dreams are among the few things that are up to you.

Same place same time same contest

I won honorable mention in city arts again. Sorry I have not been around will post more stuff soon In the mean time here is the poem I won in 2009

Dare to dream big

When I was little

I had big dreams.

I wanted to be a construction worker,


High school sport star.

I dreamed, and I thought

If I made the good dreams big enough ,

I thought

Just maybe

Just maybe

It could come true.

When I got older,

Just shy of ten,

I began to question

If I could control

my destiny.

I realized that I was different somehow

From the rest of the kids on the playground.

I had two acronyms attached to my name

They were

CP, and NLD

I began to realize this and sometimes felt ashamed.

Then there came middle school.

That was the worst.

Kids teased me and I got my feelings hurt.

I sucked.

I was a loner.

The worst kid in the entire seventh grade class.

What made it worse was that CP was in my face.

I always got cut from team sports,

The games I loved most.

The things that made papa boast,

Like he did for the baseball king,

My elder brother.

Around this time

My dream came to me

And whispered softly into my ear to

“Please do not let me leave your side

Let me stay and let me help you as a guide:

For new stories,

New songs,

New programs,

That I long to belong to.

Programs that saw inclusion as key

To opening the doors for all kids,

Even those with disabilities.”

All in all

I want to leave you with this:

Reach for the stars,

But when you land on the stars

Go for the moon.

Make your future yours

Despite what others think you can do

Whether you are short, or way too tall,

Or have some type of disability

or none at all.

With hard work

And a little money ,too,

They might

Just might

Come true.

The choice of a future is up to you.

I dare you to dream big and see it through.

After all dreams are among the few things that are up to you.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dreams are Dreams

since bear nessicties has worked

but tomarrow will be difficult because i have to go to work or else I can not go to basketball why n difficult because due to acting out once I now can not work in the afternoons which means I have to work during school hours missing two classes and my routine beng changed. I did not get to choses what i want to work at or when there are jobs after school with help so now i am going on a job hunt.

I am going to leave you with a poem
( me when I was almost three although I act three I am not three anymore)
Dreams are dreams
Teachers and job coaches
  I know you want the best
but what happens when you are gone?
  I have to have the ability
to go after my own dreams
and make my dreams live on
Everyone deserves to dream
clam what he wants
Dreams are dreams
goals or goals
satisfaction is satisfaction
but if you try to put people with disabilities into a mold
It like songbird dies in a golden change
A trap that I do not wish to fall into
I want no cage of gold
  I want to be as indecent as possible
so please will you try to talk to me
   I may feel frustrated
but please understand
It is due to the warrior spirit
I have had to acquire
to protect my own dreams
Dreams are dreams

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Poem for the web

(Me in Disneyland next to my beloved childhood movie icon the aliens summer 2006 Princess is next to me )
Do not stereotype me

Just because I’m disabled
I’m not a science fair project so please do not stare.
Ask a question?
I do not mind
And have the time
To spare.
I’m not trying to talk weir d so do not take it as such
And I am not slow hate and I it when people think I am.

Just because I’m disable
I don’t enjoy teasing or bullying so think before you speak
I’m not a product of an accident that should not have been here
I don’t just wonder around aimlessly
And I don’t know any one with a disability who dose.

Just because I’m disabled
I’m not a baby even if I wish I were on hard days
I don’t have a sickness or illness
And I don’t plan to be a burden to my society my whole life.
In fact I want to enrich my community

Just because I’m disabled
Don’t me that you are more perfect then me
Smarter then me

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

to my smart and super fomer spainsh teacher

By AZ Chapman
When I was a wondering girl of fifteen

You greeted me with opens arms
We got the textbook that day
And you offered to let it stay

  In the classroom.
Over the months time I became a expert in high school hood While learning Spanish in a way I understood With dolls Mr.Potato head and songs That I loved to dance and sing along With winter came a grade of gold A solid A that I held with pride.
Spring Semester was a pester Uninvited parties ,maps and new changes There was one place that I felt safe On those lunch time days when Laura and I came your way I was happy as a lotto winer
  Because I had found acceptances Instead of being shunned because of my disabilities You even offered a treat If I always stayed in my seat In tenth grade

So whenever you sing a Spanish song with your new classes Know that I would like to have been there to sing along

got the pic from

Monday, August 18, 2008

AZ and Princess are going to school

Thanks Jan for the idea mine is based lossly on the Owl and the Pussy cat went to sea by Edward Leer

AZ and Princess will go to school in a beautiful sea blue van.
they will take some pencils and some binders in a backpack.
Princess will look at her sister sleeping and on the foor of her room and say

"AZ wake up wake up it time for eleventh grade
get out of bed you lazy bum so you have time for hair to get maid,"
Az gowns and moons a lot but steps on the cold floor and realizing a new chapter is about to begin
Az will get dressed in some jeans a cute blue shirt and say
Princess my lady can you pass me some paste to bush my smelly teeth.

Princesses and AZ will go to school in a butiful blue van
Princess will be starting school in a new land
where grades do count and might be wondering around in a haze for a while
Because high school after all is all so new

AZ and Princess start the first day
the first day
the first day
the first day
of school today