Monday, April 26, 2010

Same place same time same contest

I won honorable mention in city arts again. Sorry I have not been around will post more stuff soon In the mean time here is the poem I won in 2009

Dare to dream big

When I was little

I had big dreams.

I wanted to be a construction worker,


High school sport star.

I dreamed, and I thought

If I made the good dreams big enough ,

I thought

Just maybe

Just maybe

It could come true.

When I got older,

Just shy of ten,

I began to question

If I could control

my destiny.

I realized that I was different somehow

From the rest of the kids on the playground.

I had two acronyms attached to my name

They were

CP, and NLD

I began to realize this and sometimes felt ashamed.

Then there came middle school.

That was the worst.

Kids teased me and I got my feelings hurt.

I sucked.

I was a loner.

The worst kid in the entire seventh grade class.

What made it worse was that CP was in my face.

I always got cut from team sports,

The games I loved most.

The things that made papa boast,

Like he did for the baseball king,

My elder brother.

Around this time

My dream came to me

And whispered softly into my ear to

“Please do not let me leave your side

Let me stay and let me help you as a guide:

For new stories,

New songs,

New programs,

That I long to belong to.

Programs that saw inclusion as key

To opening the doors for all kids,

Even those with disabilities.”

All in all

I want to leave you with this:

Reach for the stars,

But when you land on the stars

Go for the moon.

Make your future yours

Despite what others think you can do

Whether you are short, or way too tall,

Or have some type of disability

or none at all.

With hard work

And a little money ,too,

They might

Just might

Come true.

The choice of a future is up to you.

I dare you to dream big and see it through.

After all dreams are among the few things that are up to you.

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