Showing posts with label Inculsive School Week 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inculsive School Week 2010. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Balll helper : asking and thanking

After coach C told me last year that I would not suit up i was preaty bummed out to say the least. I decided to ask coach g. Coach g was i admit the last person I though would ever say yes to the idea. She had me in PE knew that I acted out, but yet like J mac I asked and prepared my slef my saying that i had had 99% chance of helping out but I was happy when coach G said yes the result is .

Fall 2010 I got to be apart of a team. I had a small job, it could have been done by players or coaches but it meant the world to me. I got to sit on the bench and cheer on the team. I was able to listen to strategy in the team room shake hands with the teams at the end of the game. Get into a quad basketball game for free ( not a supper big deal but a nice benefit) I was on the team and what was great was that other people at my high school knew I was on the team and treated me like it. Did i get to suit up? no but I was on the team and more importantly I had something fun to do Fridays nights which is what every teen deceivers. Whenever I saw ms G I thanked her after the season because she took a chance on a kid with CP and hopefully if she is presented with other disabled kids who want to help out she will remeber that it gave me a lot of happiness on those Friday nights

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pulse Pen light

 This is what I pick up   in the Assertive technology lab. It is  called a smart pen. It  records  audio and sound. I am essentially taping the lecture  and can bring up cretin points  on my pen by tapping   on the paper It is hard to explain so i am going to  show you videos of it

 This video is cool because I  worked on the K sound when I was  in speech therapy.    I also sometime subsitute  t  for K

Monday, December 6, 2010

Life and times of a collage student with disablites

Well guys welcome to Inclusive school week on my blog I am going to try to post something every day this week about Inclusion and how beneficial it has been for me as a result. Lets get started. here are some pictures of my day as a collage student.

I ate this once when I couldn't find waffles

A typical day for me starts long after my sister go to their high school. I wake up around 9:00 and jump into the shower to begin my day. I get dressed and head down stairs where i take my morning medication and have some brekfast. If we have any waffles in the house I will put them in the toster put way to much syurp on them and gobble them down while watching my shows on the DVR. If I am done with breakfast by 10:45 I grab my hat and head to school. I enjoy the walk to school it is about an hour give or take but it is good excersise I have to go up a big hill but the only the first third is steap. If it is late I take a bus or my parents drive me, if they are home. I go to the local Comminty collage which i am hoping to change and start over as a freshman at a four year school next fall.

First stop for me when I get to collage

The first order of business when I get on campus is to go to the Asstive technology center and get Something cheak back tomorrow to see what it is . I then go to my class which starts at 12:10. It is Intermediate Algebra. I sit up front in a seat that is reserved for me, The sign that is in the picture is taken off but no one sits there. The instructor is a guy named Will (not his real name) He is really nice and has high expectations for me. He does not think I a pain to teach and trust me enough to let me lend money. After his class I head upstairs for an English class with Jone( again not real name) the class is pretty easy for me. It is a step below collage English but I will be doing Freshman English in January. I have two friends in that class who went to my rival high school but we get along alright. I also have an old friend that I had in high school when I was friends with DD. I thought that collage would be so scary but Mr T was right I would be fine.

Tuesday post will be on what I pick up at the office

If you have a child in middle school make sure you tell them about the I am norm video contest happening this week for more info click here