Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Tale of Twins : part one

Once upon a  time  there were twin  girls , Anna andAmanda.   There parents  wanted  both kids to learn to berespectful. So  once they were old enough to talk they learned theimportance of good  manners   sharing and not fighting. Thissevered them  well and they were  successful in school  went tocollage and got married.  

             Bothtwins  wanted  kids and there wish was granted.     Anna  had two kids, Billand Patrick,     Amanda  had    three kids  Jasper, Jed  and Jada.    Amanda  had wonderful kids just like hersister.  but something was  different about twin b   onlygirl  she  had  special needs.    Amanda and herhusband , Ben, were fine  with the fact that  there  girl was a little different  and  both of them became very involved in  the special needs community.  

              Amanda'sboy's  went to their neighborhood school they loved  it and got involvedin after school activates.    The parents  were veryhappy  with the school there kids attended   so as   their little  girl, lets call    turned  five they wanted her to go  to thesame school that her brothers went  to.    The school did not want her.   They  told   Amanda and herhusband that  Jada would have to goon a bus  to get to school on the other side of town.    Amanda, who had been taught not to fight, agreed and so  when fall rolledaround  Jada got on that  busand went to the other side of town.      Jade  hadsome commutation disabilities so  Amanda   sent some  commutation icons  to  theschool.      As Halloween approached    Amanda decide  to  volunteer in  Jada class for   the Halloween party.    What she saw  wasscary, and I do not mean the other  children's costumes. She saw walls with art work  without her child’s name  she saw  Jada   in the just sitting there. When    the womenasked where her daughter's artwork was the teacher told her that Jada couldnot  do  it  so she did not  have to.     Amanda asked  if  Jada  was learning how to read  and the teacher laughed in herface   and  told her that  Jada  would not be able toread  even though   in preschool Jada could   recognize the letters.
    To Be Continued 

 got image from http://www.best-of-web.com/_images/080507-094628-127007.jpg

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Stressful Sunday and imput on what u want to read

 Hay guys   today is stressful Sunday because i  have an essay due  and a mid term  I will talk about    more about school this month  but   I was   wondering what would u  like to read about 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

That time again

Grab This Button
  Time  for   31 for 21    for down syndome/ disablity Awarness  month. This  month i will do my best to  post every day in october. I have lots of    post  about.  I hope to be going to a concert  for people with CP  and  other stuff..

 I  kicked off  the month by going to the   Big wave harvest festival.  Big Wave  is a housing project   that  is trying to  go up in half moon bay.     This  year both of my parents went  and we  won  big time.

  We  won  a  gift basket gift cards  a  cake   and   four  tickets to the happiest place on earth Disneyland!!!!! I was  soo  excited.   The tickets  were from a silent action which  I did not  know that my mom  bid on it. When  they called  us  as we were heading home  well  I was   very  happy.  Pictures coming shortly 
   here is  the   video about  The big  wave project  see if you can find me

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This is not ok

   <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/vbshMZFLn4U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

     i am angered and upset by this story.   This man    was   a minority and he had special needs  police should not profile especially someone  with disabilities.      This is not ok

 I hope this young man   feels better my heart goes out to them tonight

  your thoughts

Monday, September 19, 2011

Not an abyss

  I  remember on the eve of leaving high school  I saw  my future  as an  abyss.    Since i do not have a intellectual disability  there was not  a  program  I could go too.  So  i  am now in a typical  collage  program  with supports and it  is going  well.    I do  wish   i had more independent living skills    thats  why  I think programs  like  this  need  to be replicated     Any thoughts?