Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today is my Cousin sixth b day

  happy b day  R  hope    all  is  well  give your mom and sis a hug for me 


  in honor  of  R  b day  here are six things that would make  my  life easier

 Free  Speech Therapy

 Friends and  Parties

  Being able to  handle  my OCD 

   Help   when   I need  it 
    More Comments on the  blog 
     Being  Able  to drive  

    Happy  b day   R 

  To see what    would make  special need  mom  happy  click here

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Work first play later

  Today I had a math test   which i  take in the disabled  help center at  my college Then we had a  party.   An  open  house  of sorts it was  fun I  demonstrated the Smart Pen.     I   really   enjoyed myselef today  What did you do today 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A revist of church basketball

  For anyone  reading a long time  you  may  remeber  that  from  fifth  thew  eight   grade  I  played in   Church  basketball.  I really  liked   it.  I  was a die hard basketball  fan   so  putting me on an  inculsive   basketball team  seemed right.   I was the only  phiscaly disabled  kid on  the church  team.   The team taught  me good values  such  as  working hard   listening and minding and other things.    All three  years  I  was  on  the   B  team, and  yes  every year  I  tried to   make  the  A  team  at  tryouts.       I  am  reminded  of    chruch  basketball  because  a kid  with   unique  needs   has  a twin  that  will be  playing  on said  team   but  the kid well  was not  going to  try.      This  is a ashamed because  really  ought to try  because    as  you can see  from the photos   I wasn't a disabled  basketball  player   I  was  a  basktball  player   just like my  peers  plane and  simple.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bridge School Benifit Concert

  Over the  weekend  my  parents and  i  went to the Bridge  School  Benefit Concert.   It was    quite the experience. 

  The Bridge  School  is a school  for  kids   pre preschoolers though  middle schoolers  with severe disabilities.  These   students  may be   vary  smart but   they need help   to  express themselves.  I am  friends with a mom  of  a son  with CP  who  goes  there.      I did not go to  Bridge  because I   have  mild CP.    I had  begged and begged my mom  to go  and we got the tickets on the  lawn. We  naively thought that would be ok.   

  It was not. When we  got there,  about an  hour into the show, we went to    the lawn; it was  packed.   There was no  room to sit on the grass  to watch  the music  we went so far up that we could not   see the stage and   I could not see the  projector.    I turned  to my mom  and   said we  could  go home.   My sensory  stuff was not  going  well and  I do not mean the noise.   It smelled horrible   from  smoke and other  drugs.
  My  mom  took  me back to the   bottom of the hill  where  there were all these booths  for food.    I wanted  to  get   a t shirt so  we  stood in line  for  one.     I have  a ATM card   so  I had to sign   my name.  The lady  helping  me says,


   The  irony of that statement  is that I have CP and NLD aka   poor  find motor control. That gave my  mom  a chuckle.  I  took it as a compliment but I laughed to.

   We then proceed to the parent  booth where I met   the  twins  of the lady  who  i knew from face book. ( They really should start playing it's  a small world  now).   we then found some picnic tables and waited for my dad who   stayed up on the lawn.

   While we were  waiting  I got   a churro, and my dad brought back some garlic fries  while we listened  to Carlos Santana shortly  thereafter we left.

 My thoughts   I   really liked the cause it was  going  to  but disliked all the  drugs.    Next Year I  think  I will go to the dinner party  and   try to reserve seats   near the stage.  I  really like  watching  the news reports that the school  i  watch them  often enough that I can match  names and faces.  I hope  I can meet all the kids sometimes  or   whose knows maybe  I will work there down the line  only time will tell.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Learning to read part three My least favorite sound

   I was recently asked  what my  least favorite  letter/ sound  is  and after  much thought i  think it is C

 I  have been  working on C   for a long  time.     It  has been  hard   work  and  i have memories of trying to say  Car  cat cookie    instead of  Tar tat  tootie.  

 Do not be fooled by the Graphic "c" is  a hard soud

 I  remember in  K  my teacher  had this  phonics book  of  letters in the alphabet.  I was  in a mainstremed class    and   I  remember  her introducing the  C book and  explaining  the  sound and adding    you  should be able to  say it.  I remember asking her why  I could not  say  C and  being  told  I was different/ I know  i owe you  guys   my inclusion story  and  i  will get to it. In the mean time  tomorrow's post will b about the concert I  went to   so stick  around.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Recycle post Forever Kids

   I posted this last october   tonight i am  going to a concert so stick around  for new  post  later

 I am  19 years old.  With me  being an American  i am  considered  an  adult? or am I?   

kid or adult  you decide
Now  if  I did not  have any disabilities   the  answer  would be  at   yes  I am an adult    no questions  asked.  But add a disability  in there and  the     word  changes  back to  kid.   As of now this does not bother  me as i  miss high school   and  do a lot of things  like a kid ie live at home   do not drive   mom and dad  give me chores  and the like.      I do not think the word adult will scare  me though and I think  I will  take more  offense  to the word kid  more and  more with wisdom and   time   after high school.

   now  lets  talk about other with  intellectual  disabilities  it  may  be  me  or is it  that people will often  refer to them  as  kids  not  meaning  any harm.   It is  so much  better than the R word   for sure.  But  to say  they  are  kids.  I am  not sure about this so  i will look up   Adults in the   dictionary  this  is from  Dictionary .com

a person who is fully grown or developed or of age.
a full-grown animal or plant.
a person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law.
me  in Las Vegas summer 2005   age 13
 There  is no  mentioning  of intellectual abilities  or  going  off  to  work  or completing  collage  or any of that  so why should  people with disabilities be called kids  is it hard and  some times  it seem like they are children  ?  Sometimes   there are  people  I know  with disabilities  who  fit  this .  But  they are adults   in age.  They   can  vote   ( provided there in  a Democratic society)  can  work   and  do leave high school.   Disabilities   should not  hinder   the word adult being   associated with them.   We  may need help  flinging  adult  roles and  living on our own.  But  the definition does not   state that does it?

  The  reason why I  bring  this up is   from my history  lessons  and family stories. You know like how white used to do it to blacks   back before the civil rights movement  when  white addressed  blacks  as  boy, or girl  and    blacks had  to address   white adults   as  sir  or  mam.   Just a  thought  most of  you  reading this  have disabled  youngsters  so you  probably do not have to  worry about this  yet What do  you think?