Saturday, November 26, 2011


Stumbo <br /><span style=

Oh the  joys   of having a speech  impairment 

   So   I was  working with boy on a flim project.  It is all about  zoombies.  In the flim  there is a voice over.    I thought  because of the voice over was   the host   who  asked an  question then  ansered it  I   thought it be better to have a different   voice   and sence no one was there I  voulinteered.   I used Audacy to  recored  it but he  thought we  needed  a ' nomrmal  voice aka  not  A  Cerebral Palsy  voice,

  In  class  that day   I  told my  suggestion and the teacher  agreed  but said maybe I could do the lines on  cammera. Now let me tell you about this teacher,  They are a voice over extrodanare. They  can do cool things  with  there voice and  have done numberous  voice  over,  Now  for me    with me speaking  gibberish and  all  I get jelous really  jelous.  I  wish  I  could speak as well as they do. 

     Our  film class  is not  specific   special need class, yet for some strange reason we have a  bunch of students with  disablities. Some of my fellow classmates  are  on the Autism   Spectrum disorder  some have  learning differences  and  one  has Down Syndome, she is  a funney one  in class and   both  the student and this professor get along  really well.

  Then  there's  me     

  back to the  class.  The  teacher was  talking about  next week.  Now  this  is a media class  so we do not have class every week.   So  I asked  her  something along the lines of   do we  have  a mandtory class next week? 

She did not know what I was saying   none of the other students  knew what I was  saying.    Its  like  running into  a  invisible wall and not  being able to  figure out  whats  blocking it.   I  decied to leave the class room  cool off and try again.   I talk to the teacher does not   get  it  right away. When she finally  gets it  I say finally  and  she  heard me  correctly and walked off. She thought I was being disrespectful. I was  saying  Finally for me  not  for her

     I  have  been  in school  since August and  the teacher still has a  hard time understanding me.    Yes  I have  CP    NO  it is not her  fault but there  comes a time  when I  know  someone a while  I  kinda hope   I can be  understood.  I  i am looking ahead  to next semester where  I have a professor  who  understands me a little better.  

     If  my  professor  actualy end up reading this  ( or anyone dealing with  CP) 

 Understand that   I  want to be able to  speak  clearly
 Not   your  fault  nor  is it mine 
Once  I  get the message  across  I  feel  better  and   may say finally   it is not ment to  be sacastic.  In  fact if  I   offer to help me  say it  clearly its  in the  moment  Speech  Thearphy.

 This is the first  post  apart of  CP  connection go here to find  out more about  CP and tune   in for the next blog post 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am thankful

I am doing a research assignment on institutions for people with disabilities in the United States. That right guys We used to have institutions for people with disabilities. The article I fond described terrible conditions for people with disabilities. I am forever thankful to the people who helped closed institutions. I am also saddened by the fact that this is not talked about in United States History. This was a major movement, yet it gets no attention this movement has history and it needs to be taught to all kids in school. We do not forget to teach about Segration of minorities or Hitler  and the Nazi's   anyway  food   for thought
  Happy Thanksgiving everyone

 got image from

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The value of my life

   It all started   on  Monday  night which  is my English  class. Now  i   want to say  i really like this teacher  she is  nice and has  tolerated   taught me two  semesters now. 

  We  are  reading a book  by Toni  Morison called Sula  in the book  a mother  kills  her  son  after  he  comes back  after  fighting  in the  war and  has  a addiction   to  drugs.   After  discussing this  fact   the  teacher asked us  to  write of all the ways  it was  moral  or immoral  for  the character to kill her son.   After writing stuff down   we discussed it  and  someone said  it was  ok to kill  her  son  because   he can not  take  care of himself.

    It  hit me like a fist   I am   20 years old and  still live at home.  Many  people with disabilities  spend their  adult lives  under supervision of  others.      Dose  this mean that  we all  should die.   I asked the teacher and told her  to  erase the  point that  it was invalid  yet  she left it  up there.     I  know  the character was once  able bodied  and    had  regressed to  a infant level but   that sould not mean death  right.   I  voiced  my option  and ended class on a high  note with laughter

 Tuesday:  I  went   to an  online  support group for people with CP. ( IF  you  want to know  what group   message me  below)  I  then saw this  link to a research  of  scientist  trying to stop  brain damage  which results in  CP.    Now  i am  100 percent  against that  abortion  because  of  disabilities is wrong and   i am not supper religious.  This  is  not  right  what  they are trying to do to my disability.    Why  used the word  damage  or  broken.    I am not broken  because   of my disabilities.  I  have speech  differences  and  movement differences and   behavior differences, yet  i am not  broken  far  from it. 
  As a  young person  i am   trying to find  my place in the world and   how  is  anyone with disabilities   supposed to develop  good self  esteem  if   scientist  are  saying that   I   was a mistake that   should   be  avoidable with science .  Having a disability  is  a part  of me  I do not  know differently.  Do  I  wonder what its like  not to have a disability?    sometimes  yes.   Would  I  want a cure for  CP?No  way.   I know  I do not  know what it feels   like not to have a disability but  come  on  guys  you  mean to tell me that it the best thing in the world doesn't   everyone have problems.  struggles. 
I wish  if science was  being done to help  people with disabilities   speak, move  learn   easier instead  of  abortion.    I wish people  without  disabilities  would stop lowing  the achievement  bar  for us.     that would make a  bigger difference.

      What do u all think

Monday, October 31, 2011

Some photos to end 31 for 21

 Buddy  Walk 2011

Big Wave    pumpkin painting

 i won  this  along  with a mystery box and  tickets to Disneyland 
I am  proud i have blog every day this month  i will try to do it more often  in November    keep those comments coming  they help me blog 

  halloween  pics  coming soon

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October is also Spina Bifida Awareness month

  I know3 people with Spina  Bifida.    All three  of them  are in college      Blog wise    Cassie  at  Beyond  Messures  has   been blogging about  featuring all  kinds of people , including some  cute kids with SB.   Her son  Caleb    is  a  cute  six year old  with SB