that would be me
yeah thats right today is my 17 birthday and in honor of that I am going to tell y a positive event that happened to me over the past 16 years

2 became older sis to book gal
3 moved to house I am currently in and became the sister of Princess
4 attend pre school (SDC) loved Pocahontas
6 Learned how to jump rope from my K teacher and did hippo theaphy
7 stated playing piano
8 went skiing for the first time and fell in love with the snow
9 partook in a project and fond that I am a great actor
10 after meaning years of being Woody for Halloween I was a clown
11 started playing basketball with my church and then
12 started middle school played softball on princess and book gal's team. I was the eldest on the team
13 got Zoe for Christmas and partook in my first Special Olympics event Swimming
14 graduated from middle school. had a big party to celebrate then went to visit Mickey Mouse at Disney land
15 went to hawaii and swam with the dolphins started blogging and golf
16 completed a driver's ed class and got nominated for a computer by one of my blogger friends
17 I hope to have IRl's. Do a lose the training wheels bike camp and do anther year of Standford golf camp. I hope to make progress on a video about NLD and give my poem to MS A IN PERSON
(Uncle M r and me summer 2008)
Happy Birthday! I love seeing all those photos - you're just beautiful. :)
Happy Happy 17th birthday fellow Virgo! Mine was the 4th!
You have accomplished much in your short life and know you will go far!
Happy 17th birthday to a wonderful self-advocate! Hope you have a wonderful day! What a great way to celebrate your birthday by telling something that happened in each year of your life - thanks for including all the pictures too - it was neat seeing a peek back at your life!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I always wonder who is lurking and wish more would let me know! :) I hope you have a very Happy Birthday today!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happ Birthday AZ! What a fun walk down memory lane.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl! :) HUGS
Sorry I'm a little late. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day!
Hope you had a great birthday, AZ! Loved seeing the pics of you growing up!
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