Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why I am supporting the Patriots

 he grew up in San Mateo CA and went to the same church that I went to for CCD and basketball. I played on a inclusive basketball team there and now a little guy with DS plays there because I recommend it to them when he played soccer on our county special olympics team

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The post i did not want to write

   I had ment to write  the  15 ways to explain   disability  and   blog tomorrow.   It was all set i was going to   eat dinner and  do   start  homework .

  Then  I  cheaked Facebook
And found out that Steve Jobs is dead
      .       Steve the one who  engeered   a great learning tool   and  favoite thing in the whole wide  world  my  apple  laptop that   I am  writeing on right on.  I am  going to miss him and his work.  Then there was Aladdin where   I sat  near  him because his son  was in the play and at the same school  as  book  gal.    He is  my age  20   where he  needs his dad   to help him out like my dad helped My Big Bro.      Rest in  peace Steve  Jobs  you  will be missed

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting better

  please  comment before u leave

 In  high school  I was the student  that  was the teachers  hardest to teach
   in collage   two professor   have said that is not the case.  So   either   they have taught worse  students or   I am  improveing 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

If you could walk in my shoes

 From the  TV movie  to kill a mockingbird also a good movie
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill a Mockingbird
Atticus Finch to daughter Scout, Chapter 3

 I loved  reading  To Kill a mockingbird   if u  have not had a chance to  read it  Now to move   mediums from books to   Television

 I am soo happy that this is finally out  I am  thrilled  I got bullied in elementry and middle school, What happened in middle school is below

I remember when I was little and my dad told me that "Sticks and Stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Well I don't think it is true... Wait let me rephrase that it is . Princess and book gal have a easy cry baby that would me. My dad says that I am too sensitive and tells me to ignore it. That is the bad advice that you can give a victim of bullying disabled or not .Still don't believe me okay here comes a story

In sixth grade my mom and dad through that I should have one class in special education called RSP. it basically is a study hall with a special needs teacher who helps you do the work. Well in Sixth grade I had a guy in my class who always said I was a loner and no one played with me. I told the teacher and she said to ignore it because he was from a bad family and needed attention. Well I never could ignore it and I spent the remainder of my first middle school year yelling at him back and froth.

The school thorough I had behavior problems so in seventh grade I was put into a RSP room with a strict teacher and mean kids. Man did I hate that class. There were three other kids in the class who teased me and like the guy in 6th grade all of them came from middle class families trying to make ends meet. What made it worse was that there was a nice RSP room with good kids who teacher was nice. I also was the only one with my teachers on my RSP teacher case load The nice one had the others.

On Wednesdays were the hardest day of the week. The teacher had meetings that day and we were under supervision of a sub. One peculiar Wednesday a girl said that the entire 7th grade hated me. She was training for a peer helper and the class was talking about me and how much they hated me. My aid talked to me and sat by me during my next class and we talked to the head teacher(Who is a great guy that i had for math the next year) who told me that they had been talking about how to treat someone with a disability and my name came up. Someone did not learn their lesson.

Words do hurt and schools need to be aware of this and help those getting teased and don't tell them to ignore it . Think about it this way if your son/ daughter fell and scarped his/her knee you wipe it up right. Well bullying is like that only the cut is invisible It's a cut to the child self esteem

me and Lauren potter from Glee  she is spearheading the campaign I  am trying to get involved with this campaign

Friday, December 31, 2010

Year in Review

    2010 was defiantly a eventful year  for me.  It was not a great year , it was  hellish for meany months, but   I got though it and  hopefully 2011 will be better . now  here  comes the changeling part    finding something positive to say about every month.    

 Me  (in white) handing the ball off to E( in purple

   January 2010:    I met  E, my best friend,  at basketball and   got second in the MLK  writing  contest

 February : I  played knockout in my high school rally and was  ball girl  for my high school.

 Me signing the pledge  March 3 2010
  March  : My cousin has her baby  girl. My school did Spread the word to end  the word  via the  club . I got to speak in Mr.T's classes and he signed the pledge.   I signed up for my high school track team and    joined the special Olympics track team  for the first time.

 April :  I  got honorable mention for  a poem and got dressed up and went to prom

 May :  Book gal turned 17.  Had DDAC's first ever end of the year party.   I graduated high school at 18  with  an award  for community service    I also enjoyed  the senior Activity day  even though it was wet.  

 Dad and me  on Mount Tam
 June   Climbed to the  top of mount tam.I began my collage career at  CDS  2010. I  enjoyed  it and made a lot of friends.

 My fourth of  July  face paint  I got from a carnival
July Celebrated  fourth  of july  by getting   my face painted

 August: Princess turned  16 and got her liscence. T  left our family . I  started  comminty collage

September  I  turned 19 .   my team won gold in softball.  I  did the Joe Jonas fun run and  helped raise money for Special Olympics.  I celebrated the first ever EKS Day

 Lauren Potter and me October 2010
October :  I pet Lauren potter from Glee  I craved a pumpkin for Halloween  but did not  trick or treat. I also moved  the wii  into T's old room.

November  watch book gal win CCS   and make it to state. Celebrate  Thanksgiving  and helped  cook for the first time.

 December  Mom became vice chancellor of diversity at  UCSF.   Mom and  Dad  had their 20th wedding anniversary. I went to the Alumni soccer game.  We had a great Christmas (see below), I  bought presents for the first time  this  year   Zoe  got  a rabit and  she celebrated    her sixth b day

 I hope everyone  has  a  happy new year and  a great 2011

 I love this photo of my dog    and the thing is  that I  took this fall 2010

 ps  here are  some disability Awareness post that I like that I wrote in  2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

  Today marks the last day of  Get it down 31 for 21 and I am proud to say I posted every day.  I am glad I made it    and glade  not to have to worry about posting every day.   Happy Halloween here are some pics from  past costumes  I am nothing this  year   it shows that I am  growing up.

Halloween 1991
Halloween 1999
Halloween  2000

Halloween 2009


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

That explains a lot

    The return  of   ms A    will be  in this  post.

    Some things I learned  about Wisconsin  while in her class
   All you need is Cheese 
    Badgers are  cool
      Cross country skiing   is  fun  way to  enjoy  the  snow in Wisconsin

   MS  A  was a great teacher.  She  was a  teacher  who  got  me and  was  willing to  help me.  She along with  Mr T  will  go down as the best  inclusive teachers  at my  high school. ( Or  in  ms.A  case   during the  year  I had her)  Since  having ms  A  I  have  always  thought since  having  her  four  years a go   that  Wisconsin had the  nicest people in America   and   after  four   years  of  waiting  I have   some  evidence to  support  my hypothesis.
    Here is the  evidence

   Now  if    could  make     my town   like  Madison in terms of   public  education

got  image  from

Monday, June 21, 2010

It should not be a fight

    I have  seen and heard  Many stories about    parents  who  have to   fight  for there child  to be in   mainstream  and   after  reading such  accounts  I  wonder why  does  it have to be a fight   on there  part    to   let disabled  kids  go to inclusive  school.

My mom  came  to   my  kindergarten  class    when we had our career
  unit I am  sitting on    my  teachers lap   listening to what she does  in the
I  have always  been  included  since  kindergarten.  It was a no  brainier    for  my  parents  and the  two  school districts  because  I  have   normal    intelligence.      I would not trade      inclusion   for special  education,  (although  I must admit  I  wish  I had  more life skills when I graduated high school ) because I have  met so many wonderful  teachers, students and faculty as well as  being  apart   of   all of my school  communities.  I  have  so  Many great   memories   of     being in the  mainstream  and  going  on  field  trips  and  discovering     new  things.      I  just graduated   from  inclusive  high school  but  have  left behind   a club and lessons  that  others have  learned  from  me.

Ms P  (red)  was my sped teacher  all t
throughout high school here  i am  with her
 halloween 2009
  I have had   help and support   from special  education  teachers and staff  and have  participated in  ST     a  one  to  one aid  and  Work ability   while  being  able  to read    write and  learn  with  people  in my community, people who  live  near  me and     in my city    because  I have  been  in inclusive education

 Field trip  fun.

I   care so much about inclusion  because   Cerebral  Palsy   could  have    caused me  to  have a  intellectual disability  are be     so  disabled  that  the  best  place  for me   would have  been a separate  class  or  a special   needs  school.    I     care because  I  have  friends with   disabilities both online   and in  real life   who are not included . I   see   what  a shame it  is  that  other people will not have the chance  to get to know them.

Art work  2009   the teacher
used  to be a sped  teacher
  I  took  ceramics  during my Senior
year  of high school 

 I have  heard   from a  favorite  teacher of mine that    when  they taught at   another  school the kids with disabilities  were  there  but  they never  got to see  or talk to them.  The kids   missed  out   on getting  to  see   and talk  and  make a connection  with   the  person  who has been  a great   mentor and  friend to me.       The teacher  has been  working as teacher for  a while  but  I  was  their  first    student my   level  of  disability    it was not easy  but    like they  said    at the end of the  year   " Oh  the stories we could  tell"  and     I   am a character in  that story  along with  the  other students.(maybe   mine are the   annoying  and hard stories  but     hopefully there are some great ones of just me and  the whole class) I  have not heard  any  stories  yet from that class  but   I would buy the  book .........I  think.....  lol

 School is not the only  area that  inclusion
  should  apply to but to   all types of  recreation for
  peers of   similar ages. I played  soccer in AYSO    from pre k
 to  8th  grade every fall

 Inclusion     should  not be    so  hard because  unlike a driver's   test which should be  earned because the   result  of     it not  going  badly are deadly     inclusion  dose  not hurt anyone . In fact inclusion  benefits  everyone   involved the students  teacher s and school community.       In    all classes i have been  in  (AP   US history  include)   everyone isn't  at the same level  so why is it that    people  say it is  easier  not  to  have  kids with  intellectual  disabilities   at the  same   classrooms. With   mortifying  assignments    or    simplfilng  the  information     all kids would be able to learn better.  Inculsion   was not  a fight  for me  and should not be a fight for anyone  else.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I passed AP history ,but aged out of speech

I have cerebral palsy which is mild ;however, it still noticeable in one way when I open my mouth to say something. Not saying anything for me isn't a option because i love to talk and i am funny which means strangers will always wonder what is wrong with me or think that i have low intelligence which is soo not the case. AS Deb pointed out her speaking has no consistency with intelligence

This has happened a lot of times during my course of my life. I remember adults talking to me or asking my parents what I say it far more what happens. It happened recently at a restaurant with some family friends. I order something off the adult menu(which makes sense considering my age) . I had an adult drink but come meal time I got a thing I wanted from the kids menu. Now most people would not be bothered by this but looking back I wonder if the waitress gave me something from the kids menu because she thought I was not a adult or that I would not know the difference because I had a intellectual disability I wonder.

I did pass Advanced placement united states history and it is true. I passed my test with a three. with high school ending I aged out of free speech therapy and there are still things I could work on. Mr.T stutters a little bit but he is still smart and wise and the administrates trust him to teach AP and he is a great teacher. I may talk unclearly but that dose not mean I am dumb.

pic is from

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ready or not here I come

no not hide and seek but graduation i graduated from high school for the first and last time. I had a party at my house with my family and got my video games back so even though it sucks that high school is over I am glad my video games are back in my possessions

Monday, April 26, 2010

Honorable mention again

Hi guys I want to let you know that I won an another award for my poetry. This is the same contest I won last year. I do not have a copy of that poem so in the mean time here is the one i won last year
Dare to dream big

When I was little
I had big dreams.
I wanted to be a construction worker,
High school sport star.
I dreamed, and I thought
If I made the good dreams big enough ,
I thought
Just maybe
Just maybe
It could come true.

When I got older,
Just shy of ten,
I began to question
If I could control
my destiny.
I realized that I was different somehow
From the rest of the kids on the playground.
I had two acronyms attached to my name
They were
CP, and NLD
I began to realize this and sometimes felt ashamed.

Then there came middle school.
That was the worst.
Kids teased me and I got my feelings hurt.
I sucked.
I was a loner.
The worst kid in the entire seventh grade class.
What made it worse was that CP was in my face.
I always got cut from team sports,
The games I loved most.
The things that made papa boast,
Like he did for the baseball king,
My elder brother.

Around this time
My dream came to me
And whispered softly into my ear to
“Please do not let me leave your side
Let me stay and let me help you as a guide:
For new stories,
New songs,
New programs,
That I long to belong to.
Programs that saw inclusion as key
To opening the doors for all kids,
Even those with disabilities.”

All in all
I want to leave you with this:
Reach for the stars,
But when you land on the stars
Go for the moon.
Make your future yours
Despite what others think you can do
Whether you are short, or way too tall,
Or have some type of disability
or none at all.
With hard work
And a little money ,too,
They might
Just might
Come true.
The choice of a future is up to you.
I dare you to dream big and see it through.
After all dreams are among the few things that are up to you.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A Princess party

Or  not    .Tomarrow is  my annual  IEP.  Thanks  to  my wonderfull behavor and great  grades (so not the case)   the IEP  will  go  nicely.

 I am so  nevous.     I think  my  self  esteem  will be going  down  tomarrow  morning and  I will be  more nevous then  I am already am ( if  that  is  even possible)  for life after  high school.

  The  bad thing  is I   touched the fire  sota  speak last Thursday so  it  was  too  late  for this IEP  but  maybe  not  for  open  house  which  is  in  march but that  dose not cover  life after high school. ( more on these  topics   soon  i hope)

 pic is me  age 19 months  

Monday, October 19, 2009

A little pumkin: Halloween 1991

My first halloween I was a pumpkin. I was the not the only one who wore this costume. My two sisters were pumpkins there first halloweens as well. I  think my mom reused it because it was  a cute cosume
(I am a few days shy of being 2 months)

  ( It was pretty big on me)

Who is this  guy  holding me never mind it is just my dad 
(Me and my Mom. Do you see  the yellow and red thing behind
 the couch just above my mom's shoulder? 
That was a reaching thing.
 It  was sesame street  theme.
 Book gal and princess used that   as well.)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

WORDS DO HURT End the R word

This old post is what I wrote last Augest. It is not about the r word but it goes right along with this topic

I remember when I was little and my dad told me that "Sticks and Stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Well I don't think it is true... Wait let me rephrase that it is . Princess and book gal have a easy cry baby that would me. My dad says that I am too sensitive and tells me to ignore it. That is the bad advice that you can give a victim of bullying disabled or not .Still don't believe me okay here comes a story

In sixth grade my mom and dad through that I should have one class in special education called RSP. it basically is a study hall with a special needs teacher who helps you do the work. Well in Sixth grade I had a guy in my class who always said I was a loner and no one played with me. I told the teacher and she said to ignore it because he was from a bad family and needed attention. Well I never could ignore it and I spent the remainder of my first middle school year yelling at him back and froth.

The school thorough I had behavior problems so in seventh grade I was put into a RSP room with a strict teacher and mean kids. Man did I hate that class. There were three other kids in the class who teased me and like the guy in 6th grade all of them came from middle class families trying to make ends meet. What made it worse was that there was a nice RSP room with good kids who teacher was nice. I also was the only one with my teachers on my RSP teacher case load The nice one had the others.

On Wednesdays were the hardest day of the week. The teacher had meetings that day and we were under supervision of a sub. One peculiar Wednesday a girl said that the entire 7th grade hated me. She was training for a peer helper and the class was talking about me and how much they hated me. My aid talked to me and sat by me during my next class and we talked to the head teacher(Who is a great guy that i had for math the next year) who told me that they had been talking about how to treat someone with a disability and my name came up. Someone did not learn their lesson.

Words do hurt and schools need to be aware of this and help those getting teased and don't tell them to ignore it . Think about it this way if your son/ daughter fell and scarped his/her knee you wipe it up right. Well bullying is like that only the cut is invisible It's a cut to the child self esteem

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A great song with even better pictures

this relates to the post below. My favorite pic is the transition from MLK to Obama. We watched a movie not to long a go about Steven harking. He can only talk with a computer but he is so smart. He is a perfect example of do not judge a book by it's cover.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Favorite final flashback

  Hi guys just a  mid week up date  I am  in  finals     which end on friday .   I was  going to  do WW  but since it is  almost too late for that I am going to post my faverite final memory  which  thanks too dad  never  deleting his  email  is still intact so      Enjoy  this memory that  have  only done  once  Bold  name  are  changed  for privact

  December 4 2006 15 years old and a freshmen (ninth  grader  in  high school)
I am writing to congratulate AZ on an exceptional Spanish oral interview. She spoke accurately, appropriately and with a good accent. She understood all of my questions, and literally did not make ANY mistakes in speaking! This is both unusual and impressive- not many students  earn a 100% score on the oral interview, and she certainly earned it! She should be proud of herself for her focus, hard work and strong intellect. As usual, she is kind, a great participator, helper (to me and classmates) and listener in Spanish class. !Felicitaciones  AZ!

 hopefully I will ace  more finals  in the near future 

Monday, October 6, 2008

get it down I miss the playground

I miss the playground. I rember when I was in primary school I looked forward to recess and lunch. Recess and lunch were fun there was jumprope to learn.I became a pro at this when i was in Kindergarten. I loved playing on the playground doing the monkey bars and cimbing through the the tubes.

But what I miss most is the aceptance On the playground it was easy to join in a game of knockout or tag or handball. teasing still happened. I remeber a indent in pre K but for the most part My time from K-5 was great

My mom says that you learn to fear people who are different,. Mabey it is kinda like santa Clause you believe in him when your young but as y get older you Belize it is just your mom and Dad.

C is in K now and she told me that I seek wired. It hurt because in five years she might think people with disabilities are wired and avoid them and mabe even bully them. I fear that day. The day when kids realize that people with disablities are wired and bad.

I will always treasure the time we were playing hide and seek on Saturday night. THat took me back to the times of the playground

Saturday, September 6, 2008

17 years ago today an advocate for the disabled was born

 that would be me 
yeah thats right today is my 17 birthday  and in honor of that I am going to  tell y a positive   event that happened to me over the past  16 years 
1   celebrated  first b day with  friends and family and  enjoyed being the  only  child  during the  week. Laid back athelte  visited on weekends
2 became older sis to  book gal

 3  moved to house  I am currently  in and became    the  sister of   Princess
4     attend pre school  (SDC)    loved   Pocahontas 
5 started  an inclusive Pre K  

6 Learned  how  to  jump rope     from my K teacher  and did hippo theaphy
7   stated playing piano
8  went skiing  for the first time and fell in love with the snow 
9   partook in  a project and fond  that I am  a great actor
10  after meaning years of being Woody for Halloween  I  was a  clown
11  started playing   basketball with my church and then 

12 started  middle school  played softball   on   princess and book gal's  team. I was the eldest on the team

13     got Zoe for  Christmas and  partook in  my first Special  Olympics event   Swimming

14   graduated from  middle school.    had a big party  to celebrate then went to  visit  Mickey  Mouse at   Disney  land 
15     went to hawaii and swam with the dolphins   started  blogging and golf 
16     completed a driver's ed  class and got   nominated   for a computer  by one of  my blogger  friends
17 I  hope to have IRl's.   Do a lose the training wheels  bike camp and  do anther year of   Standford  golf  camp.  I hope   to  make  progress on a video about NLD and    give  my  poem to MS A  IN PERSON

(Uncle M  r and me  summer 2008)