I miss the playground. I rember when I was in primary school I looked forward to recess and lunch. Recess and lunch were fun there was jumprope to learn.I became a pro at this when i was in Kindergarten. I loved playing on the playground doing the monkey bars and cimbing through the the tubes.
But what I miss most is the aceptance On the playground it was easy to join in a game of knockout or tag or handball. teasing still happened. I remeber a indent in pre K but for the most part My time from K-5 was great
My mom says that you learn to fear people who are different,. Mabey it is kinda like santa Clause you believe in him when your young but as y get older you Belize it is just your mom and Dad.
C is in K now and she told me that I seek wired. It hurt because in five years she might think people with disabilities are wired and avoid them and mabe even bully them. I fear that day. The day when kids realize that people with disablities are wired and bad.
I will always treasure the time we were playing hide and seek on Saturday night. THat took me back to the times of the playground