I have something called NLD which I have had since I was six. It has never stopped before from attending mainstream school. This year however, I have had on two times asked myself if I truely belong at my current high school. This high school has no special day class that I can hang out in and MSA is no longer a lunch time friend LG is in soutrhen CA and A is now friends with DD and is rude to me. I don;t realy think a SDC class is the ancer . I love my AP history class., but at the same time I know I am missing out a lot socaily. I have yet to attend a dance since entering high school. It's not that I am shy. I am veary well known. I know just about every teacher and kids always know my name. I mean they will say hi to me in the hallways and I have a lot of aquances but no friends. Friendship have always been hard for me to navagate and OCD comeing into my life makes it nearly impossible. What do y guys think.
on a lighter note
Cousins C and R are coming tonight I am so excited
hopefully I will have a good weekend to make up for the crappy school week