Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Poem for the web

(Me in Disneyland next to my beloved childhood movie icon the aliens summer 2006 Princess is next to me )
Do not stereotype me

Just because I’m disabled
I’m not a science fair project so please do not stare.
Ask a question?
I do not mind
And have the time
To spare.
I’m not trying to talk weir d so do not take it as such
And I am not slow hate and I it when people think I am.

Just because I’m disable
I don’t enjoy teasing or bullying so think before you speak
I’m not a product of an accident that should not have been here
I don’t just wonder around aimlessly
And I don’t know any one with a disability who dose.

Just because I’m disabled
I’m not a baby even if I wish I were on hard days
I don’t have a sickness or illness
And I don’t plan to be a burden to my society my whole life.
In fact I want to enrich my community

Just because I’m disabled
Don’t me that you are more perfect then me
Smarter then me


Kelly Zimm said...

Very nice! Great job!

Ellen said...

AZ, that poem says so much; it is very powerful. Nicely done.

Laura said...

I think this poem explains the thoughts and feelings of many individuals with disabilities. For instance, I am always open to questions for those interested in learning about Asperger syndrome, but I do not want nasty comments.

Laura said...

I have one question. You said that you play basketball and team sports. I have always found that due to my perceptual difficulties with objects in space, I get frightened of where the ball is and cover my head even if it's nowhere near me. I also tend to bang into people when running in a room full of people. Sensory issues with noise also affect me whenever I played team sports in gym back in school. Have you experienced any of this? I know everyone with NLD is different. I have taught myself individual physical activities such as simple trampoline moves and inline skating and am able to develop and improve on them.

AZ Chapman said...

HAY LAURA I will do a post about this soon