So I was working with boy on a film project. It is all about zombies. In the film there is a voice over. I thought because of the voice over was the host who asked an question then answered it I thought it be better to have a different voice and scene no one was there I volunteered. I used Audacity to record it but he thought we needed a ' normal voice aka not A Cerebral Palsy voice,
In class that day I told my suggestion and the teacher agreed but said maybe I could do the lines on camera. Now let me tell you about this teacher, They do voice over for a living. They can do cool things with there voice and have done numerous voice over, Now for me with me speaking gibberish and all I get jealous really jealous. I wish I could speak as well as they do.
Our film class is not specific special need class, yet for some strange reason we have a bunch of students with disabilities. Some of my fellow classmates are on the Autism Spectrum disorder some have learning differences and one has Down Syndrome, she is a funny one in class and both the student and this professor get along really well.
Then there's me
Me with some video class last semester February 2011 |
back to the class. The teacher was talking about next week. Now this is a media class so we do not have class every week. So I asked her something along the lines of do we have a mandatory class next week?
She did not know what I was saying none of the other students knew what I was saying. Its like running into a invisible wall and not being able to figure out whats blocking it. I deiced to leave the class room cool off and try again. I talk to the teacher does not get it right away. When she finally gets it I say finally and she heard me correctly and walked off. She thought I was being disrespectful. I was saying Finally for me not for her
I have been in school since August and the teacher still has a hard time understanding me. Yes I have CP NO it is not her fault but there comes a time when I know someone a while I kinda hope I can be understood. I i am looking ahead to next semester where I have a professor who understands me a little better.
If my professor actually end up reading this ( or anyone dealing with CP)
Understand that I want to be able to speak clearly
Not your fault nor is it mine
Once I get the message across I feel better and may say finally it is not meant to be sarcastic. In fact if I offer to help me say it clearly its in the moment Speech Theaphy.
This is the first post apart of CP connection go here to find out more about CP and tune in for the next blog post