Tuesday, October 12, 2010

16 years ago today I started pre school

  The  fall of  1994   marked a  beginning of an  era for  me. You see , due to my CP  I was  eligible for free   pre school  though my school  teacher . The  Key word   is  free  so  off to  pre school I  went.

There  was a catch ,   this  class  was  a SDC class  for kids with  speech disorders. My  teacher, I am  going to call her  Teacher  J , was a  wonderful teacher  who  helped  me out a  lot . I later  met up with Teacher  J   right before    I   started  high school  at  my  Jr.High   graduation party in 2006.   I am  getting ahead of my self  here so  why  don't we   take a  look at  the first entry of my pre school  journal.  This  journal  was   used   as a  communication  between mostly my mom and  teacher J  with input from dad  just to  keep it  interesting.

 please not  [  ] are my commentary. while  the stuff written  like this  outside the[  ] are my  comprehension of  what was  written. Names  are  changed  for privacy reasons.

   Original Date Written    October 12 ,1994. by   teacher  J

 Greetings  AZ's  parents,
         Well we're on our record day. AZ  got off the bus and joined it [ I think she  ment  in]. She  crise especially  in the  early morning requesting, "Ma Ma". In fact she is with  me holding my arm and leg as I write to you.
         Transitional times  seem the most difficult.[to this day this  remains  true] - From one activity to another, classroom  to  playground - classroom to  bathroom. We  chose not to go to  the library today keeping the  routine  constant.Overall she is  adjusting. It's a big  leap for a child. I've  been though it w/ my own  3. We are loving, holding and  caring  for  her.

 Teacher   J

 I  of course   wanted to  share something with my parents as  well so  I drew something  that looks like  this

  This is  from  AZ    teacher J  wrote  above the paper [  I  drew something   similar  but   the  picture  is not  from  me  it is  from  this  site (http://blog.bolandbol.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/061215.jpg)]   Mommy and  Daddy  I love  you.

 PS :Perhaps you can send a favorite stuff animal,book or toy ,so she could hold on to it, reminding her of home. think about it!

Monday, October 11, 2010

I am norm

  Back  in  January  when  Mr T  was a  daily  person in my life and   collage was just a word  there  was a  event  that i did  not  get to go  to.   Dan  Habib  (the  flimaker of  Inculdeing Sam)    was nice of  enough  to let me  join in and  help with  what they started at the event.  i have  "met "  so many wonderfull teenagers  who  are also dedicated to  disability advocacy.  

 the  campaign is  I am  norm . In that people with disabilities are normal.    It is  geared  for middle schoolers  For more information   visit here,

  The  birth  of    the project

 My  video  based on  the  I am norm  theme song


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dad's words of wisdom

 " There  will always be evil  in the word, try  not  to  create more of it. " more or less  anyway

Saturday, October 9, 2010


 Okay so  i was never in this program  I was  able to participate  in the typical AYSO  more on Ayso with me  coming in the future

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fun night

  Tonight   I went  to  my CC  beging sign langue class. My friend  N   is a student in the class.
 The instructor is a deaf  Asian guy. He is funny  we went on a scavenger hunt. I  had so much  fun. Will post  more tomorrow . I might take  the  class  next semester.