Thursday, October 20, 2016

Disability Discount

 Image  description   A group of white rubber tees.  

 Yesterday, I went to my local driving range.  This is the same place where I play for Special Olympics and  where I played in high school.  I needed a rubber tee, the one pictured above.  So I went to the pro shop. The guy gave me one for free
 Now  I felt awkward accepting this for free because I am able to pay. I feel like he gave me it because I am disabled.  After  I was doneI  went back and he insisted this I did not pay.I  wish that I could have paid because I do not want to be pitied I want to be considered  a regular person who is expected to pay.  For me  being seen as an adult is something that I am struggling with lately.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


            Hi,guys  so in  June  I graduated from a local university with a BA in Liberal Studies.  So now I am looking for a job.  Job hunting is a difficult process for  everyone but I    think it's y hard when you are disabled.   AS of now  I have applied at  the following places

 Toys RUs

 My local community college



  I asked to volunteer at the local Down Syndrome connection  but I  they didn't have any openings

 Yesterday I did go to the mall and look around . I went into a hand full of stores  gathering job applications.    I had DR. G  help me fill out  the one to Build a Bear and dropped it off  last night.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Workarounds that worked for me going through school

 So yesterday I talked about how a few weeks ago I got a nickname which is a workaround for my real name.  Going through school there were lots of workarounds that worked.  

 Slant board 

 Image description :A side view of a slant board  facing to the right 

  I used this in early elementary school to help me write.  I did not like  it because I wanted to be like everyone else.   This was an idea of my preschool teacher who helped tutor me.  It was helpful  once I agreed to use it  

  Fischer  Scissors.

  image description:blue scissors on a white background 

  Cutting things and doing art projects is a skill that is a staple in many kindergarten classrooms.  I have Cerebral Palsy and I had some fine motor difficulty which made cutting difficult for my tiny hands to use. My OT recommended   these special scissors that had bigger holes which make cutting easier.  My mom donated  multiple  scissors to my kindergarten class. This made cutting easier for everyone.

Adapted Seating 

 image description a blue classroom chair against a white background 

Due to my Cerebral Palsy,  I had  trouble sitting well. My trunk muscles were so weak that it was easier for me  to put my feet up near my chest which did not make for great learning posture.    I had an adapted chair from   second to fifth grade. It was  a blue chair with a block on the back with a velcro cushion . 

 Alpha Smart 

 Image Description  A blue keyboard with a tiny green screen.  says AlphaSmart 200 between the screen and keyboard. On a teal background  

When I was in second grade , I moved to the public school so there were more resources to help me access the general education curriculum.   One was an Alpha Smart.  I am sure that many  disabled students  remember these word processors .  I had one in second grade. This helped me type my spelling words and  write stories. Nowadays   Ipads and tablets can do far more cool things than my word processor ever could.  I did not like using these  things because I wanted  to be like the other kids.  In third  grade, I got access to the school computer  and by fourth grade  I wanted  to write  and my teacher agreed to let me write.   In middle school, my aide  and I took notes.  In high school I took my own notes.

 Pulse Pen 

 Image Description. A black pen pointed  on the record button on the paper.  Next to it has  pause and stop, Then it has  jump the other things are  harder to make out.

 In college I used a  Pulse pen to help me take notes. I highly recommend this for students who are auditory learners.  It is better than a tape recorder because  when you touch on a note it actually plays what was said while you are taking notes. I think this assisted me with doing well in college. I  graduated from Community College with honors.

  Sniffle Buddies 

  Image desciption  A blue wristband, On the front it says I'm blank 's buddy.  Then it has the Words Sniffle in green and buddies in blue along with their website

  A cool wristband that helps me manage my drooling.  

 Name Tags 

 A blue name tag that says on top " Hello my name is" and then  there is a place to write your name

  I love name tags because when I meet someone that can't understand my real name I  just showed them my name tag. It is easy and quick.    A few weeks ago someone  gave me the nickname  that I now use to introduce to people. I love my new nickname.

 Do you have any adaptation that you use? Want a more in-depth  description  of an adapted strategy?   Leave a comment below.

 Got images from

Slant board:
Fiscar scisssors
 Blue chair :
Alpha Smart$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F
Pulse Pen image
Sniffle Buddies

Monday, October 17, 2016

The life lesson behind Hide and Seek

  Image description.  A young white girl covering her eyes. Three young kids run away.

So my two friends tandem blogged about the frustration they have when people  wait to ready as an excuse. They then invited  people to continue blogging.  

 One of my favorite  old-school childhood games is hidden and seek.   Kids count than say  "Ready or not  here I come."  

Image  Described
  A young  mixed race
girl  with a purple Hercules
T- shirt, and a lei around her

  When I was four about to turn five. My parents  had their version of  " Ready or not here I come,"  except they were not joking about it because  it was  the most important decision of their lives and would impact me for the rest of my life.     It was time to pick a school for me  to go to for Pre-Kindergarten.  Up to this point, I had been educated with  kids who had speech impairments in a county program the next town over.  But now it was kindergarten, the big leagues.  They decided to have me  apply for  a private school.   This school welcomed me in with  open arms ,but let's say for a minute  that they  said.

 AZ isn't ready to be included because ...
* drools a lot , the other kids will think it's gross"

* has bad balance."

*does not know  how to pronounce her own name.

  An  Articulation disorder
 wasn't a barrier for me to
perform in
 the school operetta
Participated all three years on stage with
my classmates.
 Image description
 A young mixed race girl with a Purple leotard
and a  sparkly shirt.
 Standing aginst  a gray and blue wall.

If you are  reading this thinking that they can't justify  special education for that.  Your  right they can't because it's against the law, but I have heard too many stories from parents of kids with intellectual disabilities of school officials  saying that their kid isn't ready because of their disability.  Because if  these same people  used  this I would have never stepped foot in  a general education class. Because   at 25. I have a real hard time saying my name, I still drool,  I have bad balance, but when they were willing  to make accommodations for me I was able to learn.  

 Instead at the private school, I was able to be myself, and my peers got to learn that disability was not something to be ashamed about.  I was able to drool and not have kids mind because sometimes I  drooled.   My drool and I were invited  to birthday parties and kids from my school went to my birthday parties.
 In kindergarten, my    teacher was determined to  teach me how to jump rope.   When she was on yard duty she made it her personal mission to teach me how to jump rope.  By the end of the year, I was jumping rope.   That kid with  bad balance learned how to jump rope.  The kid with bad balance learned from her best friend how to do the monkey bars. 

 A few weeks ago, After that kid that could not pronounce her name, graduated with their BA. They had a work around. They  have a short name.  There are workarounds for a lot of things.  More on that  tomorrow.

   Adults need  not be ready to include students with significant disabilities . They just need a belief that all kids can learn alongside their peers.  Students with significant disabilities  do not need to be  reading, or potty trained or  speaking in full sentences.    They are  ready and are coming.   Luckily there is a lot  research   that supports resources that supports  full inclusion. So schools that feel "not ready" can get ready because  ready or not here  comes disabled kids.  What you'll find is worth the finding when done right . 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Important documentry

         Hard to watch but important to see. I want to live in a world where all disabled lives matter.  These test might change this.  Disabled people are not broken and our lives have value.   Click Here  to see this documentary from the UK.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Today's Video

 Great video by   Born this Way.  Here is the video.  Sorry  this video is late.