Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Poem for the web

(Me in Disneyland next to my beloved childhood movie icon the aliens summer 2006 Princess is next to me )
Do not stereotype me

Just because I’m disabled
I’m not a science fair project so please do not stare.
Ask a question?
I do not mind
And have the time
To spare.
I’m not trying to talk weir d so do not take it as such
And I am not slow hate and I it when people think I am.

Just because I’m disable
I don’t enjoy teasing or bullying so think before you speak
I’m not a product of an accident that should not have been here
I don’t just wonder around aimlessly
And I don’t know any one with a disability who dose.

Just because I’m disabled
I’m not a baby even if I wish I were on hard days
I don’t have a sickness or illness
And I don’t plan to be a burden to my society my whole life.
In fact I want to enrich my community

Just because I’m disabled
Don’t me that you are more perfect then me
Smarter then me

Saturday, April 11, 2009

who said Hunting and baskets are for little kids

well I am here to tell u that is not always the case. Easter is tomorrow and with that comes egg hunt. Egg hunt are fun but who said the fun must end when you turn 12. I am here to tell y in our house we have a money hunt how dose it work u ask let me tell you. the plastic eggs you know the ones that pop open are all you need and some eager tweens or teens. Have someone hide the plastic eggs and let the teens go lose. At the end make sure everyone gets a even adamant of money.

for kids or teens with special needs It is critical if they look or move slower to give them a head start and have someone help them this is what normally happens with me for past egg /money hunts
I hope these tips help everyone have a fun and safe Easter

Monday, April 6, 2009

what happends if people with disablities are given a chancee

all three of these young men need to start a foundation because not all disabled athletes are not as lucky. These coaches took a chance and that means a lot. I hope this trend can spreed across the world this is inclusion at it finest