So we had a New Years day party at my house yesterday. I had a great time ; however some one said something about Dick Clark
Dick Clark and new years eve have been a package deal most of the time since i was born. , It is only recently that I became aware of the person who has hosted for a long time apparently to long for some people.

here is what I heard by two people say about Dick Clark.
Dick Clark should not be on tv anymore. I could not understand him.
First off Dick Clark had a stroke that caused his speech to be slurred but HE IS THE ONE WHO CAME UP WITH THE NEWS YEAR EVE. When he started if ,40 years ago he was abled body the only thing that happend is he had a stoke. What would have happend if Dick Clark had the stork around the time he was born ie Cp, Well back then his parents would have been advised to put him in a institution and the New York new years thing would have not existed.
So here is my option on the matter. Mr.Clark should get to contiue bringing in the new years as long as he wants to. It is a good awareness for people with strokes. Having a stroke should not hinder anyone from having a fun New Year. Happy New Year Everyone