Today is Spread the Word to End the word.
The word is Retarded. It is not a nice word.
In a US History class at my private college. Which was not inclusive. My professor used this word. My stomach dropped. He said something about the fact that Cotton gin was not invented retarded the growth of cotton.
Now you may be wondering why this upset me, it still does because my reaction to it was a reason why I was not permitted to attend the next year. First off the professor yelled at me saying it was a fine word to use in that case. Second the administration defended him, including the disability person.
I am sorry but when is that word ever okey. Why is it that a term that is considered hurtful to people, children and adults, ever be okey to use. If a student with an intellectual disability was in the class they may not understand that you were not talking about them. That is why it is never a good word to use.
Please go sign the pledge and eliminate this dreadful word from your vocabulary.
Showing posts with label words do hurt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label words do hurt. Show all posts
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Thursday, October 29, 2015
31 for 21 Day 29 : A video everyone needs to see
This is the video that started Spread the Word to End the Word. I really like this video.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
31 for 21 Day 28 Rude customers scare me

I work in the college bookstore. I work the cash register, see below for money handling tips, and sometimes it gets busy. I do have unclear speech and problems using my hands at times, so uneducated people could assume that I have an intellectual disability. Being in fear of a word being used towards me should show how bad the word is. The word stings and should not be used.
The closest thing that I have come to the r word was a customer trying to grab his merchandise. from me. It really rattled me up. My boss is really great and has told me that he would defend me. My boss is the best boss ever.
Here is a related story about having others back at work.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Dear Pete Schiff,
My family has a weekday night time tradition watching the Daly Show and the Colbere Report. Due to the State of the Union Adress it was not on when I went down stairs.
So I was dishearten when I saw the following clip .
I really hated the last part. It felt like I was being punched in the gut. You see I am 22 years old and live with a developmental disability. I have Cerebral Palsy.
No I do not have a intellectual disability that is the proper term now not the R word . Although if you met me you might think that I do because I have a speech impairment and drool at times. But it still hurts what Pete said. I do not respect him enough to use his last name.
In the spring of 2009 I had a school meeting at which time a job coach sat across the table from me and my mother and recommend that I work at Safeway, most likely working for pennies a hour, and live in a group home. He had said this despite the fact that I was in my second semester of Advanced Placement United States History, which I ended up passing the AP test with a three. I was a junior at the time, so when senior year rolled around I was scared of leaving high school. Can you blame me? I did not want to do it and I assumed that the job coach was right because he worked in the field and knew me. Senior year I had to work one of those jobs and I hated. I got a pay check but was unaware of the low wages. To this day I am scared of working a entry level job. Its not fair . I want to get off social security, you see that is where the money comes from but its hardly enough to live off of.
After high school, I decided to attend a community college and I excelled in those classes. I got good grades. I got so many that when I graduated I was able to graduate with honors. Thats right a person who was predicted to work for pennies a hour went on to graduate with honors. I am not worthless. I attend university where people did not respect me and am currently on a leave of absence to care of my health.
The world is not set up for people with disabilities. Colleges do not know how to included those with developmental disabilities and thanks to the loophole in the Fair Employment Act the jobs that societies expect us to do barely pay us anything. Disabled people have feelings and we want to be include in life. We can be tax payers, some people may need help paying taxes but they can still pay them. We do not need to be dependent on the government.
Oh and our founding fathers said this about people.
" We all hold these truths to be self eve dent that all men are created equal." Ring a bell. If not look in the Declaration of Independence and maybe then you will find a heart
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Spread the word My Story
This is an old post that I wrote a few years ago on the R word. This was originally published on my old blog Amazing AZ. Hope you enjoy
LM sat down on the side of the court and I fallowed him. I was stunned. B's mom had told me not to say that word to LM and now i knew why. LM was a charming fellow. He loved basketball and Disney movies and did judo. He was full of life but the person who called him the R word had taken all that away from him as if she had popped a balloon that was LM's spirit.
To this day the memory of that day is vivid and runs deep. He is the reason why I started Spread the word to end the word at my high school last year. He is the reason why Spread the word to end the word will be there this year even though I no longer attend. LM was the first person I really got to know with a intellectual disability but he was not the last. B encourage me to become a special Olympics athlete and I now know many people in my area wit intellectual disabilities. People with Intellectual disabilities are people who have different personalities. These people can be cliquish while others can be vary sweet and accept everyone. But when people use the R word they lump them all together in to a group that is beneath the speak.
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signing the pledge 3-3-2010 |
Back in high school I spear headed a new club called Dons Disability Awareness Club. One of the events we did was a Spread the word to end the word . It was a great event and many people signed the pledge and I still have numerous wristbands lying around the house.
People might ask me why I care so much about the use of the the word retarded. I mean I do not have a intellectual disability. I have a physical disability and a speech disability but not a intellectual disability so the word is just a word to me right wrong
When I was ten years old my parents signed me up for judo at the local rec center, The class met Tuesdays and Thursdays in the gym for an hour. I signed up in February and before long my friend ,she is no longer my friend,joined shortly after lets call her B. She was deaf and had NVLD, like me, but she was in inclusive education at the local elementary school which was connected to the rec. As faith would have it her new neighbors would move in and they had kids around our age. A fifth grader, a year ahead of us, a third grader and a four year old who was the only girl in the bunch. The third grader who we will call LM happened to have Down Syndrome. I met them when LM came to join a judo class after my friends mom told her new neighbor about the class and shortly there after LM and I became friends.
A few years later LM was at our same school in middle school and the three of us always hung out together,. At the time LM was into basketball so every lunch hour LM and I would gobble down our lunches and race to the blacktop to play in pickup games on one such occasion we were playing with a other kids in my grade, so older then LM , and LM was doing the best he could. He did not have dribbling down, needed reminders of what basket to shoot at, and got too close to the defender. Most of the other kids were vary nice to him and gave him the ball and not block him and let him shoot but on one occasion a kid who was dribbling the ball and LM was trying to steal it from her she said.
Having CP which results in unclear s speech I sometimes get treated as though I have a intellectual disability due to my speech. I know the feeling and it is not a good one. i see the mindset of thinking that they are above me and it does not feel right. I am intelligent but even if i wasn't I still would want to be treated with respect:Learning is not everything everyone needs to realize that a person is a person who has feelings we all cry the same tears. We all feel sadness. It is what makes us human so think about that the next time before use the R word,
Words DO Hurt
Spread the word to end the word
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
R word Myth
It is OK to use the word if no disabled person, or someone who loves them, is a around
Just as I was thought in elementary school integrity means that u act the same in the dark as u do in the light
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Why the R word hurts: a friends perspective
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signing the pledge last year 3-3-2010 |
Back in high school I spear headed a new club called Dons Disability Awareness Club. One of the events we did was a Spread the word to end the word . It was a great event and many people signed the pledge and I still have numerous wristbands lying around the house.
People might ask me why I care so much about the use of the the word retarded. I mean I do not have a intellectual disability. I have a physical disability and a speech disability but not a intellectual disability so the word is just a word to me right wrong
When I was ten years old my parents signed me up for judo at the local rec center, The class met Tuesdays and Thursdays in the gym for an hour. I signed up in February and before long my friend ,she is no longer my friend,joined shortly after lets call her B. She was deaf and had NVLD, like me, but she was in inclusive education at the local elementary school which was connected to the rec. As faith would have it her new neighbors would move in and they had kids around our age. A fifth grader, a year ahead of us, a third grader and a four year old who was the only girl in the bunch. The third grader who we will call LM happened to have Down Syndrome. I met them when LM came to join a judo class after my friends mom told her new neighbor about the class and shortly there after LM and I became friends.
A few years later LM was at our same school in middle school and the three of us always hung out together,. At the time LM was into basketball so every lunch hour LM and I would gobble down our lunches and race to the blacktop to play in pickup games on one such occasion we were playing with a other kids in my grade, so older then LM , and LM was doing the best he could. He did not have dribbling down, needed reminders of what basket to shoot at, and got too close to the defender. Most of the other kids were vary nice to him and gave him the ball and not block him and let him shoot but on one occasion a kid who was dribbling the ball and LM was trying to steal it from her she said.
LM sat down on the side of the court and I fallowed him. I was stunned. B's mom had told me not to say that word to LM and now i knew why. LM was a charming fellow. He loved basketball and Disney movies and did judo. He was full of life but the person who called him the R word had taken all that away from him as if she had popped a balloon that was LM's spirit.
To this day the memory of that day is vivid and runs deep. He is the reason why I started Spread the word to end the word at my high school last year. He is the reason why Spread the word to end the word will be there this year even though I no longer attend. LM was the first person I really got to know with a intellectual disability but he was not the last. B encourage me to become a special Olympics athlete and I now know many people in my area wit intellectual disabilities. People with Intellectual disabilities are people who have different personalities. These people can be cliquish while others can be vary sweet and accept everyone. But when people use the R word they lump them all together in to a group that is beneath the speak.
Having CP which results in unclear s speech I sometimes get treated as though I have a intellectual disability due to my speech. I know the feeling and it is not a good one. i see the mindset of thinking that they are above me and it does not feel right. I am intelligent but even if i wasn't I still would want to be treated with respect:Learning is not everything everyone needs to realize that a person is a person who has feelings we all cry the same tears. We all feel sadness. It is what makes us human so think about that the next time before use the R word,
Words DO Hurt
Spread the word to end the word
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
If you could walk in my shoes
From the TV movie to kill a mockingbird also a good movie |
To Kill a Mockingbird
Atticus Finch to daughter Scout, Chapter 3
I loved reading To Kill a mockingbird if u have not had a chance to read it Now to move mediums from books to Television
I am soo happy that this is finally out I am thrilled I got bullied in elementry and middle school, What happened in middle school is below
I remember when I was little and my dad told me that "Sticks and Stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Well I don't think it is true... Wait let me rephrase that it is . Princess and book gal have a easy cry baby that would me. My dad says that I am too sensitive and tells me to ignore it. That is the bad advice that you can give a victim of bullying disabled or not .Still don't believe me okay here comes a story
In sixth grade my mom and dad through that I should have one class in special education called RSP. it basically is a study hall with a special needs teacher who helps you do the work. Well in Sixth grade I had a guy in my class who always said I was a loner and no one played with me. I told the teacher and she said to ignore it because he was from a bad family and needed attention. Well I never could ignore it and I spent the remainder of my first middle school year yelling at him back and froth.
The school thorough I had behavior problems so in seventh grade I was put into a RSP room with a strict teacher and mean kids. Man did I hate that class. There were three other kids in the class who teased me and like the guy in 6th grade all of them came from middle class families trying to make ends meet. What made it worse was that there was a nice RSP room with good kids who teacher was nice. I also was the only one with my teachers on my RSP teacher case load The nice one had the others.
On Wednesdays were the hardest day of the week. The teacher had meetings that day and we were under supervision of a sub. One peculiar Wednesday a girl said that the entire 7th grade hated me. She was training for a peer helper and the class was talking about me and how much they hated me. My aid talked to me and sat by me during my next class and we talked to the head teacher(Who is a great guy that i had for math the next year) who told me that they had been talking about how to treat someone with a disability and my name came up. Someone did not learn their lesson.
Words do hurt and schools need to be aware of this and help those getting teased and don't tell them to ignore it . Think about it this way if your son/ daughter fell and scarped his/her knee you wipe it up right. Well bullying is like that only the cut is invisible It's a cut to the child self esteem
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me and Lauren potter from Glee she is spearheading the campaign I am trying to get involved with this campaign |
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I do not get by
Remeber the Beatles song I get by with a little help from my friends well for me I do not get by with help because I do not feel that I have friends to lean on. I do have the kid from my b ball team who is my best friend but he is only a eighth grader. I have typical friends but they are not scared of transiton so it is hard to go to them for help. Plus I have the suspiction that i tag along with them instead of being true friends with them. I have some socal skills but as a senior in high school (with five days left) I can not work in groups I still act like a child. i am no where near ready and hanging out with Mr T is out of the picture as well so how am I going to survive.
At Special Olympics there are kids who could realte but DD has single handly made it so I do not have acess to them. The girls are disabled and whats more they have fromed a click and make my life a liveing hell. I got into a fight with them saying that they belong in Slytheren( from harry potter) and they belong to the vampire hunters( They realy enjoy twilight) The coach then repermand me for makeing this wrose because I also cussed at them ( was tempted to use the R word but I did not ) So I do not know how I am going to deal with the transition from high school. If anyone has a time machine can you please let me use it to go back to the begging of senior year instead of where i am now
At Special Olympics there are kids who could realte but DD has single handly made it so I do not have acess to them. The girls are disabled and whats more they have fromed a click and make my life a liveing hell. I got into a fight with them saying that they belong in Slytheren( from harry potter) and they belong to the vampire hunters( They realy enjoy twilight) The coach then repermand me for makeing this wrose because I also cussed at them ( was tempted to use the R word but I did not ) So I do not know how I am going to deal with the transition from high school. If anyone has a time machine can you please let me use it to go back to the begging of senior year instead of where i am now
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Words do hurt part two
Tuesday December 1 2009 time second period in a high school class room Mr_______ (a special ed teacher) and the students of the class including AZ.
AZ: Aww Mr.___ why did u have to put in 0 for this chapter .( I had to work three days to finish a worksheet)I now had 25 and my mom yelled at me.
Mr.___: You earned it AZ you say you will do it and never do
the other students are inside the classroom now. Mr.___ is about to give a lecture
Mr.___: Who says we need so more troops all we have to do is send AZ and the Iraqis will heProxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
she is coming and run away,
Cache-Control: max-age=0
she is coming and run away,
Mr. ____ is a special Education teacher who made fun of me. it is nor funny to me. Mr.B knows I do not have lots of friends and by caking a joke he is making a emphasis on this fact and that I should be avoided . When I was in third grade i remember being called Ronzilla and people running away from me. Ir was coined by a boy who made fun of my speech kids would call it and run away from me on the playground. Did Mr________ know this on Tuesday when he told the joke no but he still should not have done it should he?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
WORDS DO HURT End the R word

This old post is what I wrote last Augest. It is not about the r word but it goes right along with this topic
I remember when I was little and my dad told me that "Sticks and Stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Well I don't think it is true... Wait let me rephrase that it is . Princess and book gal have a easy cry baby that would me. My dad says that I am too sensitive and tells me to ignore it. That is the bad advice that you can give a victim of bullying disabled or not .Still don't believe me okay here comes a story
In sixth grade my mom and dad through that I should have one class in special education called RSP. it basically is a study hall with a special needs teacher who helps you do the work. Well in Sixth grade I had a guy in my class who always said I was a loner and no one played with me. I told the teacher and she said to ignore it because he was from a bad family and needed attention. Well I never could ignore it and I spent the remainder of my first middle school year yelling at him back and froth.
The school thorough I had behavior problems so in seventh grade I was put into a RSP room with a strict teacher and mean kids. Man did I hate that class. There were three other kids in the class who teased me and like the guy in 6th grade all of them came from middle class families trying to make ends meet. What made it worse was that there was a nice RSP room with good kids who teacher was nice. I also was the only one with my teachers on my RSP teacher case load The nice one had the others.
On Wednesdays were the hardest day of the week. The teacher had meetings that day and we were under supervision of a sub. One peculiar Wednesday a girl said that the entire 7th grade hated me. She was training for a peer helper and the class was talking about me and how much they hated me. My aid talked to me and sat by me during my next class and we talked to the head teacher(Who is a great guy that i had for math the next year) who told me that they had been talking about how to treat someone with a disability and my name came up. Someone did not learn their lesson.
Words do hurt and schools need to be aware of this and help those getting teased and don't tell them to ignore it . Think about it this way if your son/ daughter fell and scarped his/her knee you wipe it up right. Well bullying is like that only the cut is invisible It's a cut to the child self esteem
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