Tuesday December 1 2009 time second period in a high school class room Mr_______ (a special ed teacher) and the students of the class including AZ.
AZ: Aww Mr.___ why did u have to put in 0 for this chapter .( I had to work three days to finish a worksheet)I now had 25 and my mom yelled at me.
Mr.___: You earned it AZ you say you will do it and never do
the other students are inside the classroom now. Mr.___ is about to give a lecture
Mr.___: Who says we need so more troops all we have to do is send AZ and the Iraqis will heProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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she is coming and run away,
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she is coming and run away,
Mr. ____ is a special Education teacher who made fun of me. it is nor funny to me. Mr.B knows I do not have lots of friends and by caking a joke he is making a emphasis on this fact and that I should be avoided . When I was in third grade i remember being called Ronzilla and people running away from me. Ir was coined by a boy who made fun of my speech kids would call it and run away from me on the playground. Did Mr________ know this on Tuesday when he told the joke no but he still should not have done it should he?