Tuesday, November 19, 2013

An Update on Henry

     Remember this   amazing young man.

    No  well  maybe  this will spur  your memory.  

 Here is  his  update.      Watch it til the end its  worth it.   He also  got an  Award from ASAN.  

  Keep up the good   work  Henry.  Still want to meet you one day

Its been a while

   Hay  guys  so   I  know  I have not been around    recently.    Its because   I have been dealing with  mental health issues/ depression in addition  to another loss in the family ,  My mom's dad    pasted away  the last saturday of  october.  So its been  hard.   Hope to blog more soon.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Public Schools,

   Dear  Public Schools,

  You  know when  you have school wide events,  and  the school  website  .  All  the kids  need to be represented.   That   means   every type of  learner  needs to be represented  at the school.   If you have  school  wide   pajama  party  or a  Science fair  or  walk a jog .  All kids  need to be represented.  Including those  kids in those  classrooms.  You  know the ones  who  for no fault of your own have special  needs.   Let me tell you a secret.

  Those    kids have names

 Those  kids   enjoy  having fun.

 Az, a student who has special needs goes down a bouncy slide  on her  Senior Activity Day.     

 Those kids want to belong to the school community

 So  next time  u have an event   Please make sure they know.   please  make sure they are invited.  If you  happend to take pictures of  said  event   please make sure you capture their smilies to  post on the website.   They    have  the same rights  as the  average students.


 ( a  student who   is friends  with  students in the Special Education  classes. and has  disabilities)
 AZ graduated  community college with honors and a  degree in Social Sciences 

Got  pic from http://prek-8.com/holiday/backtoschool/images/backtoschool_nametag1.jpg

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

World CP Day 2013

  Hay  guys  so today  is  World CP Day  and this year its  special because I am a champion for  CP day.     Today is the day to  wear  green and  talk about the abilities of people who live with CP.  The  video  this  year is  a very  unique one because it shows the great  abilities that  people with Cerebral Palsy  have.  I want to thank everyone for sharing their photos with me.    It was so fun to be able to see all  of the people with CP and learn about their abilities. Thankyou.

  I also want to thank  Kate  for letting me   honor  her son Gavin.   For those of you who do not  know the story.  Gavin    passed  away this past  April at five and a half years old .  His  family   called him  their super hero.   For more information please visit Kate's  blog  to learn more about Gavin and his amazing family.

   Hope  you enjoy the video

 Rest in  peace  Gavin

 Have a great day everyone and remember to wear  green.

 Ps.   Sorry if there are spelling mistakes.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

University Update

            For those  who read the blog and  or  know   me  offline,   You  know that  last semester  I graduated   Jr. College and  started University  near by  my  house.  Well  what  you  probably are wondering is  How is the transition  going.

               I have  changed my clases  a ton  so now  I am  going  part time with nine units and  the department   dean has already met with me and my  parents and advisor,  who originally said that  I  could stop on by  whenever I want   however  I   was  going too much,   So as of  now  I have  nine units 

   Math for Elementary School  Teachers


  American  history

  Lets  take a look at how  I am doing  in all three in those classes 


  Never too old for  a first day of  school pic  8-28-13
          I  hate to admit it but this class is hard.    We are doing fractions and  the homework has  been difficult   We went over the  chapter review, we have a test on Friday, which I  understood  so   maybe  the test will be doable. 


                I  got an  A  on the first test despite not having  extended time because the professor did not put  the test  in the   DSPS place.    I wish  that was  my only complete about this   professor but  I have not  liked them  since the day they  said  that "  All  children learn language without ever being taught." When I   confronted her about it she  said  Well  all NORMAL  children do. I  went to  her office  hour and  tried to expalin   the mistake to her but  she  said it was interesting   how a word changes.  (  ok  so  she was  taking about the R  word)  and she  used  crippled   in her handout then  defended it.    If that isn't  Ableist then  I do not know  what is.   When  we were learning about  developmental stages she  said    " AZ knows that your  tongue  has to do  gymnastics   to make  the sounds."   = Sure bring up that up I am all ready finding some part of the topic that applies to me.

                  We are  doing  phonics  now which is  going alright except that some  students are laughing  at things  and sounds  which  I do not find funny because  well  I do know It might have something to do with the fact that I  been in speech  for a long time  and still  t alk like Sh**.   Oh  the  professor thinks  sounds are interesting and  K i s such a  cool  sound.  The professor also  said  jokingly to another student,  Well J  its ok if you cant   make a clicking  sound  but     I  think you can make the  L  sound.       J finds it  funny I  find  it  offensive  but again  I  can not do anything about it.   I  sit in the back of  the class its  a good   place to  doodle  and   zone  out.


 Well I  have this right  after  Linguistics and it    gives me something to look forward to  those days.  The  guy is  British  and extremely funny.    I am  interested in hearing his  take on the American  Revolution.  I  enjoy his lectures.

 We had  a test Tuesday  and I think i did alright considering that    i had to take the test where people  get tutoring.  I am used to  total quiet when doing  test  in  fact that is why I take the test  outside of class.    I  do not think  the campus is disability friendly.  There is  one  bright  spot  I have  a friend that wants to be a special education teacher and  has   worked in the field so he   'gets'  it.  Now to  educate more people .  

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Endless Treadmill to Adulthood

                 Over the weekend, apart from turning 22 , I saw this and was very happy by the end of the clip.   it starts at 51 seconds.

   Ok so there   is a couple of guys drinking beer... hay isn't one of them  disabled...... is that  allowed.......

   My answer  is  why not as long and he's legal age  why can't a  man  go to the bar and  drink amongst his friends.

  Well not all people  think  like that.  On  Wednesday night I had a meeting for Big Wave.  Big wave is a  idea for a local housing  community for people with developmental disabilities.  We are in the process of making a list  of entry requirement and one of them was  the question of Alcohol  One  parent spoke up and said that Who are we to   take their  rights away.  They are adults.

 I  spoke up and said the same thing; however  some other parents  jumped in saying it was not a good idea for their  disabled  kids to drink.

      Before I  go on  I want  to say  I see your point. You want your adult children  to be safe and sometimes meds and alcohol do not mix.  I see that  and   I do not drink a lot for this reason  however,   everyone should have  choice. Freedom of coice  is one of the perks of  turning   18.    Average  young people  have that choice  when they go away to college.  Why should  those with disabilities be any different.   Parents should  talk to their  kids about the dangers of drugs  especially if they are on meds , but to band  certain  things  is not fair because  the people living here are adults.  If you are trying to give your   sons and daughters independence  then  you  have to give  them a choice of what to  put into their body.  Its  that  simple.

 There is  no Neverland . Their are  no Peter Pans  who  stay  a child forever.   Arm your kids with information and  hope for the best because  that is all you can do,

 Now back on the endless treadmill to adulthood

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Once upon a time

Hay guys this is a good post , but spelling may b bad as I typed on my iPhone, internet is down at my place school starts tomorrow . I still need photo for the CP montage.

Once upon a time in the fall of1997 a little black and hispanch girl started kindergarten.Not only was this girl a  minority  she also had CerebralPalsy    She hated phonics because she did not havethe ability    to make the sounds, yet she loved words and was reading by the end of the year.

By first grade this girl had really bad behavior she was diagnosed with  nld . But that spring she participated in field day and got awards 

In second grade she attended a new school  they were able to help her and she got an   Award   for a nature project.  

Throughout her elementary school career she won 
 Life skills  awards 

 Bike rider award in third grade for particpating in sunday bike rides  with her teacher, dad, and siblings. 

a science fair ribbon in 5th  grade 

Along with trophiesand awards    for neighborhood kids sports one year she won a good  award from her local ayso 

In middle school the student still had behavior problems but still managed to get on honor  role.

 She joined special olympics and began to win lots of medals over the l next  eight years .

In high school she got awards as well but also developed OCD  she did not want to leave high school and acted out so bad that many people did not  not want her to visit she accepts full responsibility for this by the way.

 She missed a lot of class her first semester of college but when she   Started going to school she improved her behavior and  picked up a medal that said that she graduated with honors. Out of all the awards she has received this one means the most to her.