Over the weekend, apart from turning 22 , I saw this and was very happy by the end of the clip. it starts at 51 seconds.
Ok so there is a couple of guys drinking beer... hay isn't one of them disabled...... is that allowed.......
My answer is why not as long and he's legal age why can't a man go to the bar and drink amongst his friends.
Well not all people think like that. On Wednesday night I had a meeting for
Big Wave. Big wave is a idea for a local housing community for people with developmental disabilities. We are in the process of making a list of entry requirement and one of them was the question of Alcohol One parent spoke up and said that Who are we to take their rights away. They are adults.
I spoke up and said the same thing; however some other parents jumped in saying it was not a good idea for their disabled kids to drink.
Before I go on I want to say I see your point. You want your adult children to be safe and sometimes meds and alcohol do not mix. I see that and I do not drink a lot for this reason however, everyone should have choice. Freedom of coice is one of the perks of turning 18. Average young people have that choice when they go away to college. Why should those with disabilities be any different. Parents should talk to their kids about the dangers of drugs especially if they are on meds , but to band certain things is not fair because the people living here are adults. If you are trying to give your sons and daughters independence then you have to give them a choice of what to put into their body. Its that simple.
There is no Neverland . Their are no Peter Pans who stay a child forever. Arm your kids with information and hope for the best because that is all you can do,
Now back on the endless treadmill to adulthood