My favorite four legged friend is hurt. That would be my dog zoe. When book gal and mid sis gave her a bath tonight they asked me if I had noticed the limp earlier. i did not see the limp when I took her on a walk this morning. It is so bad Zoe is a very active little dog so limited mobility is going to be hard for her. If you can send her some prayers these next few days My family and I will greatly appreciate it thanks
Sunday, January 31, 2010
My friend is hurt
My favorite four legged friend is hurt. That would be my dog zoe. When book gal and mid sis gave her a bath tonight they asked me if I had noticed the limp earlier. i did not see the limp when I took her on a walk this morning. It is so bad Zoe is a very active little dog so limited mobility is going to be hard for her. If you can send her some prayers these next few days My family and I will greatly appreciate it thanks
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Happy 101
So sarah from Class of 2008 put a happyness award for ten people to grab so i will be one of the ones who grab it.
here all the rules
The Happy 101 Blog Award Rules are as follows: List 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day
ten things that make me happy
1 Disney songs
2 Basketball
3 Mr T
4 reading hard ' AP books '
5 when my art work comes out in ceramics ceramics.
6 New comments from blog readers
5 Playing UNO
7 being around people who accept me for who I am and do not try to treat me differently.
8 helping out at soccer for my high school before the games
9 being ball girl for my high school basketball team
ten bloggers
2 Jacquelyn Grace Sophie mack from Liek triplets
3 Monic, John Michael and siblings from Monkey musings
4 Lesle and Katie from Katie's conner
5 Hiedi and Junior from Juniors journey
6 Michelle Kayla Lucas and Joe from big blueberry eyes
7 Jan Nash and Seger from Muzy Musings
8 Crystal and malea from one more then one
9 Laura from touched by an alien: life as I know it
10 Deb peanut ma and diva from three weddings
be happy everyone
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dreams are Dreams

since bear nessicties has worked
but tomarrow will be difficult because i have to go to work or else I can not go to basketball why n difficult because due to acting out once I now can not work in the afternoons which means I have to work during school hours missing two classes and my routine beng changed. I did not get to choses what i want to work at or when there are jobs after school with help so now i am going on a job hunt.
I am going to leave you with a poem
( me when I was almost three although I act three I am not three anymore)
Dreams are dreams
Teachers and job coaches
I know you want the best
but what happens when you are gone?
I have to have the ability
to go after my own dreams
and make my dreams live on
Everyone deserves to dream
clam what he wants
Dreams are dreams
goals or goals
satisfaction is satisfaction
but if you try to put people with disabilities into a mold
It like songbird dies in a golden change
A trap that I do not wish to fall into
I want no cage of gold
I want to be as indecent as possible
so please will you try to talk to me
I may feel frustrated
but please understand
It is due to the warrior spirit
I have had to acquire
to protect my own dreams
Dreams are dreams
Saturday, January 23, 2010
School update
IEP: went really bad enough said..
In other news i have been acting well in English class. Four days in fact last Friday -through Thursday (Friday we went to a play about AIDS) It was part of days of respect which happened at school last week. the secret is simple Mr T is my favorite teacher this year and when he talked to me about relaxing and giving up being the center of attention it cliked thanks to a song. i have frond that I learn better too if I let the Info come to me thanks (Disney if y do not understand look below) and do not raise my hand . This has not yet transform into other classes yet but it has to start somewhere right?.
On Thursday my club the DDAC was a part of a school wide fair for Days of respect week. I did not get videos on my filp because it was so hectic. We set up two games or simulations one was blindfolding a person stick there hand into a paper bag and trying to see what the object was and the other was doing a puzzle with your fingers tied. Ido not have pics but will post about the simulations soon with what I have from the night before next week some time.
(Pic is of Princess , book gal , Balu, and me from our last time in Disneyland Summer 2006)
Monday, January 18, 2010
A Princess party
Or not .Tomarrow is my annual IEP. Thanks to my wonderfull behavor and great grades (so not the case) the IEP will go nicely.
I am so nevous. I think my self esteem will be going down tomarrow morning and I will be more nevous then I am already am ( if that is even possible) for life after high school.
The bad thing is I touched the fire sota speak last Thursday so it was too late for this IEP but maybe not for open house which is in march but that dose not cover life after high school. ( more on these topics soon i hope)
pic is me age 19 months
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Disability simulations brain storm?
Comeing soon to a blog near you
well today is the second day of the DC summit which I am not at . so trying to make the best of a bad situation I am going to be sharing memories of K- 8 grade in regular school. This should be very fun and memorable just thought I let you know,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
new technology
I am typing( with assistance from my hands) using Mac Speak. It is kinda hard to get the computer to understand me , but i am am hoping with more practice the computer will understand me.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Battle of the bay
Today I went to the cal Stanford women's basketball game. The game was called battle of the bay because they are both located in the SF bay area. My family met up with a family friend at the Maples pavillonwho have four girls who are younger then princess and one who is my brother's age. (I think the girl has a crush on laid back athlete) I was rooting for Stanford because my dad went there for med school and my siblings and I have been to a lot of camps there. Standford beat Cal 79-58. I thought I saw ms A but I never got close enough to tell.
After the game we went to Star bucks with the family we went to the game with I had a fun day even if the youngest beat me in war.
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