Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Enjoying the sun on a Sunday part one

On Sunday my family got up early and drove to Marin to go to a mountain play on mount tam. We were going to see Guys and Dolls which ed started one of the people who works with my mom. The weather was beautiful( even though as we were driving though San Fransisco I thought it would be cold due to the clouds. Even in the heat it was a nice outing. Now here are some pictures

    Save the  souls was    repeated  throught the day.  I think  this   was good since it was after all a Sunday

   Is it me or  dose the  Monkey look  like   Curious  Geroge 

book  gal and me   waiting   for the show to start  my mom  made us sandwhichs  and we  had a picnic before the show  began.

 Watching the show  you  can  see  princess  in the   top  left Conner she will be a junior  next year   man    it seemed  like  yesterday  it was the  summer before my  Junior   year of  high school.

The lady in   pink was a sign langue  interpeter. I  sat down  by her  a lttel  bit during the seconed  half.

I had a  fun  time   and   I wish we would have  been to these    starting  when I was younger then    this  year  being my  first time at 18.  ( they  have been  doing these  for almost 100  years  now0).  Be sure to stop  by   tomorrow   for   part  two.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Randome in the moment quotes from AZ

Mom :Ouch AZ you hurt =me what do you say

AZ; I love you ( I know she was looking for sorry)

Scenario two
AZ; I am not ready

mom I am ready I am ready

AZ: I am ready I am ready to tune you out.

will post more soon

Saturday, May 1, 2010

happy birtdays

I say birthdays because there are two special men that are turning a year older (or celebrating it today

and Uncle L my uncle who is my mom youngest brother turns a year older today

Lm My friend with DS. His birthday was yesterday but his party is tonight at a local bowling ally

I wrote the fallowing a few years ago about LM.

Spending time with LM is like opening a Christmas present and being pleasantly surprised because it was not on your list, but you enjoy it all the same. L M is a year my junior. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. His name might be L but he prefers to be called Michael Jordan. Needless to say, he is a huge basketball fanatic. Surprisingly, L and I did not meet on a basketball court. We met at Judo class where he is now an orange belt. L an easy-going kid, but that does not mean to say he is always happy. He gets grumpy and angry and he doesn't like to admit his defeat. L lives near my school, but unfortunately for all the students and staff will merely be a name without a face. L will live through the stories and the essay I am about to tell you. But chances are, you will never meet the Michael Jordan of San Mateo. The reason being is that L has to go to our rival school because he has Down Syndrome and attends a special program there.
The summer before the eighth grade I was invited to the M's house to spend time with L. Although the intention of my visit was to have fun on a summer's day I learned a lot by going to his house. He gave me a quick tour of his house before leading me down to his room that he shared with his brother who is a year my senior. Stacked up along his wall were video boxes. The video boxes took me back to when I was young because there were Disney movies. L had a wide range of selection which ranged from Mulan to Aladin. It looked to me that he had all the collection. "Lets watch Mulan two." L said bring out the DVD box. I was not so sure about that . I mean I did not want to tell L that my personal collection was gathering dust because I had grown out of them. L did not want to take no for an answer so after playing outside L played the video. As the movie was playing L pointed to Mulan and said " That is my sister. " He proceed to do this and it hit me that L was using his imagination to put himself and his friends inside the movie. At the time I did not think much of the move. I do not remember much of it except Lu sat entranced by the story and sang along with the songs.
L has taught me that it's ok to do whatever it is that makes you happy. Even if it goes against the trends and thoughts of society. L has taught me that it's ok to be different and that everybody matures differently. Some people might mature faster than others but in the end they do. L has taught me that a childhood hobby can carry on into teenage years even if it is only for kids. The most important thing that L has taught me is to not assume that a person is incapable of doing anything.
L was thirteen at the time of our play date but yet he still loved watching Disney movies. Some people might just write him off as less capable but mankind can learn a thing or two from him. Mankind's favorite saying is the grass is greener on the other side, whether it is adulthood or a different job or classroom. Humans can learn to enjoy their side of the grass and if you happened to get on the other side it would merely by an unexpected Christmas gift instead of a dream. Adults are always telling little kids that " they are such a big kid" we should not say this because it's impression is that being little is not okay. Instead of growing up being like the 50 meter dash man should slow down to enjoy the sights and sounds of childhood. It is surprising what someone with an intellectual disability can teach you about life.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Old friend , orange soda, spare, this is the life

Old friends. So I went to Special Olympics bowling today for the first time this season and guess what I saw LM . LM has been going every week unlike me for the first time since I started bowling. I got to bowel on his lane and had fun Bowling and messing around. It payed off because I got 90 pic above is the score board and this happens in the last frame.

The last game well I did not do so well although I did have orange soda. I also got LM some doctor pepper)Towards the end I got to catch up with an old friend from church B ball. She kinda surprised me but once she told me who she was I hugged her and my dad talked to her parents.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Eight adults and fourteen kids

Tonight we are hosting a family friend get together. It will be black doctors who happen to work with my mom and their kids. Mom is doing this to introduce a new docker to other black doctors. The family has 4 kids under the age of six. Tonight ought to be fun

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Havest festaval

Today was the first fall festival for big wave I went of course and had a blast. I painted a pumpkin. made a scarecrows, ate burgers and danced. I might post pics of it latter when I get them from my friends cuz I did not bring a camera) tomorrow I get to dress up and go bowling with the SO If I'm lucky My old spainsh teacher will come.