Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pulse Pen light

 This is what I pick up   in the Assertive technology lab. It is  called a smart pen. It  records  audio and sound. I am essentially taping the lecture  and can bring up cretin points  on my pen by tapping   on the paper It is hard to explain so i am going to  show you videos of it

 This video is cool because I  worked on the K sound when I was  in speech therapy.    I also sometime subsitute  t  for K

Monday, December 6, 2010

Life and times of a collage student with disablites

Well guys welcome to Inclusive school week on my blog I am going to try to post something every day this week about Inclusion and how beneficial it has been for me as a result. Lets get started. here are some pictures of my day as a collage student.

I ate this once when I couldn't find waffles

A typical day for me starts long after my sister go to their high school. I wake up around 9:00 and jump into the shower to begin my day. I get dressed and head down stairs where i take my morning medication and have some brekfast. If we have any waffles in the house I will put them in the toster put way to much syurp on them and gobble them down while watching my shows on the DVR. If I am done with breakfast by 10:45 I grab my hat and head to school. I enjoy the walk to school it is about an hour give or take but it is good excersise I have to go up a big hill but the only the first third is steap. If it is late I take a bus or my parents drive me, if they are home. I go to the local Comminty collage which i am hoping to change and start over as a freshman at a four year school next fall.

First stop for me when I get to collage

The first order of business when I get on campus is to go to the Asstive technology center and get Something cheak back tomorrow to see what it is . I then go to my class which starts at 12:10. It is Intermediate Algebra. I sit up front in a seat that is reserved for me, The sign that is in the picture is taken off but no one sits there. The instructor is a guy named Will (not his real name) He is really nice and has high expectations for me. He does not think I a pain to teach and trust me enough to let me lend money. After his class I head upstairs for an English class with Jone( again not real name) the class is pretty easy for me. It is a step below collage English but I will be doing Freshman English in January. I have two friends in that class who went to my rival high school but we get along alright. I also have an old friend that I had in high school when I was friends with DD. I thought that collage would be so scary but Mr T was right I would be fine.

Tuesday post will be on what I pick up at the office

If you have a child in middle school make sure you tell them about the I am norm video contest happening this week for more info click here

Thursday, December 2, 2010

For She's a Jolly fellow

  Mom to AZ and AZ  Summer 2005 on their way to the Grand Canyon
 For she's a jolly good fellow that no body can deny.    Nope it is not Mother's day  yet  My mom got a new job at  work. to learn more   go here

Monday, November 29, 2010

Getting intrested in V bal

 Book Gal  senior night at her school
 As you know if you have been reading my blog that  my two sisters  are into  v ball.   I  have recently became  into  the sport as well.  Book Gal's team  won her division in v ball this  year.  She played   in the front ( due to her big hight)  She  is really good at  spiking the ball down  and blocking.    i really enjoyed watching her play and am saden by the fact that  book gal  will no longer be a high school v ball player. She and princess will play club v ball  witch starts in Jan but  due to Special Olympics  I will  not make as Meany games. I enjoyed getting  into the game by watching   it as  I do not have the coronation to play v ball.  I remember being somewhat  interested in sixth grade  before  my sisters got into  it  but   it was  too hard to play. I am proud of  my sister  for winning league and the first  round  of state. (sadly they lost there game  this pas Saturday)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

  Today marks the last day of  Get it down 31 for 21 and I am proud to say I posted every day.  I am glad I made it    and glade  not to have to worry about posting every day.   Happy Halloween here are some pics from  past costumes  I am nothing this  year   it shows that I am  growing up.

Halloween 1991
Halloween 1999
Halloween  2000

Halloween 2009