Friday, October 22, 2010

Smarter then I Speak

What if I told you that you had to watch people kick a ball back and forth for an hour and a half? Would you agree to   it?  Would you enjoy it?   It sounds rather boring but millions   of people worldwide enjoy watching soccer.    The difference is that the kicking of a ball has purpose    in game of soccer compared to watching people kicks balls back and fourth. The purpose is a goal that the players are trying to achieve   for there team.     Similarly, in life goals   severe as a purpose outside of the victory that is felt upon achieving them.
      Goals are different    for different people   in various aspects in their lives.   One of my biggest goals in life is improving the clarity in the articulation of my speech.   Speech has never been something that I could have taken for granted as a result of me being diagnosed as a toddler with Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy   is the result of having   a lack of oxygen before, shortly after, or during birth.     Because     I was born prematurely, the   likely hood of me getting this chronic illness increased.    As an infant using my mouth mussels    to eat was a challenge and to this day my speech is unclear and I   always bite on my drinking straws.  I cannot say all the sounds fluidly in the English language but understand everything that is said to me.  This is really frustrating for me   and to make matters worse I am my hardest critic. To me everyone’s speech sounds clearer than my even those with disabilities.   Due to the reasons above my speech clarity is a goal that I have.
             Goals are the gas in a person’s engine, in that they provide the drive for people to work hard.   When I was little ,I thought that if I worked really hard that when I was an adult I would speak normally.   I did not mind speech therapy back than.  I went and worked hard and did things that the speech teachers asked me to do. I tried so  many techniques from lying on my back trying hard to say sounds to having stuff   in my mouth to   work to strengthen my mouth mussels. I did not mind working hard because my thinking was   I had to do this in order to speak like   grown ups do. Looking back on it, I would say that it was hard work   but   I complied   with the grueling work and stuck to it in hopes of  achieving my goal. My fuel  was my goal and with it I  forged  ahead with speech therapy. 
               Just like in cars, without goals   there is no inner fuel; thus there is a lack of motivation to work  hard  . In seventh grade my speech teacher told me that I   would always have unclear speech do to Cerebral Palsy.    The speech teacher and I got along well   and I trusted her so I took the information   at face value.   The remainder years I had at speech therapy though the school system   were a waste of  time for me and the speech pathologist. I no longer   had a goal   so the work became extremely frustrating. During my junior year of high school ,I stopped going to speech therapy for a while.   I had a class that period that I went to anyway so I went there instead of therapy.   I was taking   Advance Placement  United States history from a guy who had a hard  time understanding ,me and I   once  I  told him that I had left speech he got vary concerned for me and encouraged   me to return to speech.   So I was back to sitting across   from   my speech pathologist    understanding to put my tongue in the roof of my mouth and being unsuccessful. I hated speech therapy after seventh grade because the light that was supposed to be at the end of the tunnel, me speaking clearly was no longer in site   so the work became grueling and painful for me to sit though.   On the rare occasions that I did work hard the vain mussels in my neck popped out , yet   it seemed pointless  because my speech would always be gibberish. It became a chore to go to speech therapy because  I no longer had a goal.                    
              Goals  are necessary for  people to  make hard  work meaningful.  By the end of the  fall 2010 semester I want  to  achieve   the  goal of  getting into speech therapy and working  diligently  at improving the articulation of my speech.  I want  to  do this by  enrolling at  Peninsula  Associates  , a speech center walking distance from my house. A big barrier to achieving this goal will be  being able  to afford the  assessment  and  speech lessons.  It  may also be  hard to focus if I  have  a lot of homework   or other  stuff in my  mind.   I can get around the finical barriers by getting SSI  or  getting my insurance pay for the  therapy. As far as the attention barrier I can try to  get focus as  I am  in the waiting room, and plan ahead by keeping up to date with my school assignments.  Now  that I know  speaking clearly can  be a goal to me,   recent research  shows the brain in more plastic than my seventh grade teacher  thought,  I think I can improve the diction in my speech so that   I could work  in any profession  I chose  ,as well as being a advocate   for  people with disabilities.   

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