Showing posts with label disability awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disability awareness. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My abilities abc style

This post was inspired by this post from   Ellen  who  blogs  at  Love That  Max in the post Ellen ,who was sharing stories about the 2011 special Olympic world summer game said Special Olympic is great because it is about abilities not disabilities I agree so much that I am going to post my abilities abc style

A I can get an  advocate for people with disables
B I can be beautiful
C I can catch a ball
D I can dance
E I can explore
F I can have fun
G I can go golfing
H I can hold a baby
I I can invite people to hang out with me
J I can jump high
K I can  kick  a ball  
L I can get licked by my dog
M I can make a movie
N I can be nice
O I can overcome  obstacles
P I can be proud of my work
Q I can be quick
R I can  raise money for a cause I believe in
S can swim and ski
T I can text people
U  I  can  understand   things 
V I    can    play   video games
W  I  can  run  really fast in the water 
X I  can sign  my name on the  X
Y  I  can   yack  people's heads off 
 Z  I can  takes  some  Z's

  What  can    your child  do ?  how  about  you  leave a comment  and  or  post about it and let me know  if  i  get  enough  pictures      I might make a  short   video  montage  

 Ps in case  you missed  it    a  look at the  2011 world Summer Games

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Cornish Family: My first interview

  The  Cornish Family

   I  am  very happy to  have   Meredith Cornish  who  blogs  at   Cornish  Adoption Journey  to   share  a l little  about her  family.

 AZ :   How old are your kids?   What are there disabilities?   and how did they  join your  family?
 Aleksa (8)  
Meredith: Our oldest two are both 8 right now. Aleksa was adopted 6 months ago from Ukraine and will be 9 in October. Emma was adopted at 5, also from Ukraine, and will be 9 in February.Both the oldest girls have Down syndrome.Emma also has Autism and Cerebral Palsy. Next is Kristopher, our biological 7 year old. He's "typical" and we call him our "biggest" even tho he's no longer our oldest.Wesley is 6 and has spastic quadriplegic CP. He was adopted 6 months ago. Wesley is also visually impaired and is considered legally blind.Brianna is 5, our biological daughter with Down syndrome.James will be 5 in August and was adopted from foster care. He joined our home in May 2010, a year ago, but his adoption wasn't finalized until September 2010. 
 James (4)
Micah will be 5 in September and was also adopted from Ukraine 3 years ago at 18 months old. He has Down syndrome too.

 Lynae(22 months)
And last is Lynae, our typical biological daughter that will be 2 in September, her birthday is 09.09.09.

AZ:Wow that is cool because I turn 20 September 6th.
Meredith:Oh fun :)
AZ: Why did you want to adopt?
 Briana (5).
 Meredith: I have two siblings that my parents adopted from foster care when I was a teen and the second when I was off and married, but adoption has always been a part of my life. Both of my grandmothers spent time in children's homes as well, which is what prompted my parents' decision to adopt.My husband and I were married when my parents adopted the second time, and we've always discussed adoption, so it was a natural course of action for us both the first time, and very much "God prompted" the second two times.When we had Brianna, we got God's "yes" that we could "handle" special needs... since we weren't really sure that we would be able to do it until then.

 Wesley (6)
AZ:Cool.  What resources have you found most useful to helping   you learn  about Cerebral Palsy.?
 Meredith:I used to babysit for a family whose 2 yr old  had CP. She is now 12, and we have continued to be friends (her parents and I). We also find Yahoo groups to be VERY useful, and parents have been the best source of information I've found. The second source would be our blog, when we are able to post our specific issues and find out pretty quick answers, which is priceless

AZ:  Are there any support groups are things similar to the Buddy walk in your area for kids with CP
Emma (8)
Meredith:No support groups that I know of, but I have met another mom of a 12 yr old w/ CP as well that's local and we'e gotten together once now.

Kristopher (7)
 AZ: How aware is Kristaphor about his siblings special needs?
 Meredith:Kristopher knows that the kids have disabilities (except Lynae). To him, it's no big deal. Brianna was born when he was not quite 2 years old, and she's his "always" :) Though the other kids are "more disabled" than Brianna, it isn't a big deal around here :)

AZ:I am a big advocate for inculsion I am on I am norm that fosters inculsion so my next question is what does inculsion look like for each one of your kids.
Meredith: Let's start with the oldest.. Aleksa is only attending school 2-3 days /week this first semester of school, so we have not pushed for inclusion hours for her. Not yet anyway. I'm hoping to add in several morning hours of inclusion for Aleksa nxt semester.Emma is not in any inclusion classes. She doesn't care about other kids, and she is at a very basic learning part now, so she's in a self contained classroom full time.Wesley same as Aleksa. Both of them don't understand much English yet, so the contained classroom isn't bad. The three of them will all be in the same class.Brianna is next, and she is very social and close to grade-level. We really pushed for full inclusion for her, but we weren't able to have the school agree that it would be appropriate. They felt that she was small, shy, and would be run over in a regular classroom. At the end of a 4 1/2 hour IEP, we eventually agreed to have her in the regular kindergarten class for most of the day, with pull out to the class my older kids are in for Math and Reading time each day. James and Micah are both in PreK still. They are in an 90/10 Prek class, which has about 10 kids in it with 1 or 2 "typical" kids along with the rest that have IEPs.Both of them are "aimed for" the self contained classroom because of their behaviors (which really is what keeps Aleksa there as well), but we'll see how this year goes. Micah is really making gains in the behavior area, so we'll see.
Mich (4)

 AZ: Thank you Meredith  For the  interview. this  is the first interview on    my blog.
Meredith:  you're very welcome :) Thanks for choosing me, I'm honored!

 To  read more  about  Meredith  and her  family    visit her  blog    

Monday, June 27, 2011

In America ?

  Pledge  of   Allegiance

 I  pledge  allegiance to the flag  of  the  United  States  of  America
   And to  the republic   for which it stands
 One Nation under God
 With  Liberty  and  Justice   for ALL

    All  means   everyone     even those  with disabilities.   What  happens when people forget 

                 Let me tell you a story.   Lets say  that you are  13 years  old  but instead of hanging  out  at the mall and    middle school  drama   you spend  your days  in a facility  because  you are hard to handle.     One  day on a field   trip  someone  with authority sits on you until you die.      You are in a van  but the driver  does not  get medical care  for  you.

 Seems  like   the victim  was kidnapped   right

   wait   you are in a care facially    why

As a person with behavior  issues  and  disabilities  my heart   really breaks  for this little  boy.    I  hope  there  are   not other  people  in   America  like John  but  the  sad  fact  is that there are most likely others.    I love    being  a American    there are lots of  benefits   from living here  but   I am not happy  with  the story.    Does  anyone have  any  ideas  how we  can  fix the problem?

   For  more info on  John  Carey  click  here 

 and    here is something   that  Tim Shiver    wrote in  regards to   John

 got  image  from

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just want to have fun

           this post is  a vent u  have been  warned

  Even  though  I am 19 years old   and the eldest  sister. I feel  like  I am  nine and have two older sisters. The worst  part is that   I am done with high school  but never went to a house party   or a school dance.

   Things are different  for  my two  sisters.  Book gal and   Princess  are   known to be out of the house a lot. They have lots of friends that they hang out with   and  I am stuck at home.  I am  soo bored  and the Wii  and internet  only helps  to a extent.  I am soo lonely .   I do not know why this should bother me  because  I have  been  lonely for a while  now  however it does.

 me at a friends  house making cookie December 2010
 What can  parents of  typical  teenagers   do  to help  people like me out  is  to encourage  that   they  call up    others with disabilities  there same  age to hang out with.   I know  i am  difficult to hang out with but  if  I  lack  practice  of being around  peers  I  will never  learn.     Just because I am disabled  does not mean that I  do not have the same diseres   as other teenagers  do. i want to go out of the house without  my parents and have a  good  time.  I want  to have a  fun summer  getaway.  I want something to do.  Will all the  things  typical  teenagers  do  be  right for me   no  but allot of them will.   For example  I  can not  go to   to a 18 and under  club  but  I   would  like to go bowling   or  go to the theaters  to see    Harry Potter at midnight.  I  may not   want to go  to a horror   film   but  i  would  enjoy horseback  riding  or     a amusement park.      What  I would love    is  if  someone  invited  me to do something  and  even  if  it was not  something  I wanted to do     It would  be a step in the right  direction.      People  with disabilities   just want to have fun

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blogging Against Disabilties Day My name is AZ not az

   First off  I want to  say  hi to anyone who  is new to the blog. Thanks  for joining me   for  Blogging Against Disablities  day.  A  little about  me  I am  19 year old  collage  student with CP and other disabilities   i have an  articulation  disorder  as a result of CP I  reside  in  Northern California witch is in the united states .

Blogging Against Disablism Day, May 1st 2011

ok  now  for the post

  I am in collage  like  I mentioned before. it is a community collage    and i am going until I  can transfer to  a  four year, i do not have a intellectual disability people but  apparently not everyone thinks that.

 I want to say first off that the students in my classes  have been great   they treat me as an equal and help me  not  friendship  outside of class , but there has been small talk outside of  class,  which is fine by me as i want to graduate   asap to move to four year.

  there is  a girl  though who gets  on my naves and  the irony of it  I  met her when donating to  some fundraiser to Japan.  She  talked  to me as  I was a baby and  I did not think of anything of it at first.   But then  I  left  my iphone at the booth  and that is when it all started.    They called my Dad   to them that it would be in student  rec room and  my dad of course  told me.

Seeing me  at a table , the girl, who i would say  is  not to much older than me, says in this high pitched  voice  that is  normally used on infants  "oh honey you left your phone in building __ OK  you know where that is ?" Come on  I   am standing near the  building and  I am not a baby.

The  only thing that maybe celebrates  me  from this  girl  is  the fact   that  I  had  a stroke  before  i  was born.   I am  a 19 year old women  after all.  I am  in collage   not kindergarten  why do people assume that disabled  people are automatically kids.  I am not a  baby  I  can hold a baby I was a baby but  that  was  in 1991.   I am a high school  graduate and  one  of the best writers in my class  of students  who  do not have disabilities   so  all  i ask  is for respect  thanks

  my high school graduation picture  taken  late summer 2009

Monday, April 18, 2011

Surpise the writer is disabled

  English  class

    professor aka  P
  P:  AZ  i  got   good news 
 AZ : What
  P: will tell u later
  Az thinks about  what the surpise  could be
AZ: I  can't figure it out
 P:  My  daughter, a writer,  read  your essay and said    that  she writes  well

AZ:   Did  u tell her  I was  disabled 
P:  No

AZ:  you should  because she will be  blown away

 aside morel 
  never  underestimate   what  a person  with  a disability can do

 got image  from

Monday, April 4, 2011


 please  comment before you leave   
For the longest time I did not see other  stares.  I think this is do to my  nld but my sisters  and parents  notice staring  and if  it  caused  on my offense, such as an outburst which I still have  on occasion, they are  quick to  tell me. last week;however, I noticed staring  two times.

   It started  when an  autistic man  was   acting out at my special Olympics   track practice. There were a group of kids  just  gawking at him and  I told  the  girls that it is not  polite to stare  i do not think  they  understood  me (no  ST  for me yet) but the  coaches  of the soccer team  focused them  back up again and i had to get back to practice.
 Then on Friday  when  I was having a sandwich at this  place near my house.   A  kid was  just  staring at me.  I would  have to guess he  was about ten  years old.    I gave him  a look that told him to leave me be and he did  but then  I wonder  did  I do the right thing? Should  I have told him about Cerebral Palsy and answer  some of his  questions?  I think  I was  taken aback because   up until this  point   I had not recognize staring.  What would you  have done ?

got image  from

Friday, March 25, 2011

today is CP Awainess day

     no it was not  the last post but it is today  March 25 2011.

  What  is it CP?   A disability that impacts movement   it is kinda like a stroke.   got any other questions  post them  here and  i will answer them    next week thanks  guys  happy  CP  Day,

  Me  C (in red ) and R February 2011

  mini me  2001 in Mexico
 ps  if  u could  keep  me in your thoughts tomorrow because i have surgery  (dental work   for cavistes  thanks   in advance will update u  tomorrow with hopefully good news :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

R word Myth

It is  OK  to use the word  if   no disabled person, or someone who loves them,  is a  around  


 Just as  I was thought in elementary school  integrity  means  that  u act the same  in the dark  as  u do  in the  light
 for  more  info on this    click  here

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why the R word hurts: a friends perspective

 signing the pledge last year 3-3-2010
     Back in high school I  spear headed   a new  club  called  Dons Disability Awareness  Club. One  of the  events  we did was a  Spread the word to end the word .  It was a great  event and many people signed the  pledge  and  I still have  numerous  wristbands  lying around the house.

   People  might ask  me  why I care so much  about the use of the  the  word   retarded.  I  mean I  do not  have   a intellectual disability.  I have  a physical disability   and a speech  disability but  not a intellectual disability so the  word is  just a word to me  right  wrong

     When I was ten  years  old my parents  signed me up  for judo at the local rec center, The  class  met  Tuesdays and  Thursdays  in the  gym  for an hour.  I  signed  up in February and  before long   my  friend ,she  is no longer my friend,joined shortly after   lets call her  B. She  was deaf and had  NVLD, like me, but she  was  in inclusive education  at the local elementary school which  was connected  to the  rec.  As  faith would have it her  new neighbors  would  move  in and they had  kids around   our age.  A fifth  grader,  a  year ahead of us, a third  grader and  a  four year old who was the only girl in the bunch.  The  third  grader  who we will call LM  happened to have Down Syndrome.   I met them  when  LM came to  join a judo class after  my friends mom  told  her new neighbor about the class  and  shortly there after   LM and I became friends.

   A  few years later LM was  at our same school  in middle school and the three of us always hung out together,. At the  time LM was  into  basketball so every lunch hour   LM and I would gobble down our lunches and  race to  the blacktop to play  in pickup games on one such  occasion we were  playing  with  a  other kids  in my grade, so  older then LM ,  and  LM was doing the best he could.  He  did not have  dribbling down,  needed  reminders of what basket to shoot  at, and  got too close  to the defender.   Most of the  other kids were vary nice to him and  gave him  the ball and  not block him and let him shoot but  on one  occasion a kid  who was  dribbling the ball  and  LM was  trying to steal it from  her she  said.


LM  sat down  on the side of the  court  and  I fallowed  him.  I was  stunned.  B's mom had told me not to say that word to  LM and  now i knew  why. LM    was a charming fellow. He loved basketball and Disney movies and did  judo.  He was  full of life   but   the person who called him the R word had  taken all that away from him as if  she  had  popped a balloon that was LM's spirit.    
To this day the memory of that  day  is  vivid and  runs deep.  He  is the  reason why  I  started   Spread the word to end the word  at my high school last year. He is the reason why  Spread the word to end the word   will be there  this year  even though I  no longer   attend.   LM  was the first person I  really got to know   with a intellectual disability but he was not the last. B encourage  me  to become a special Olympics  athlete and  I now  know many people  in my area wit intellectual disabilities. People with  Intellectual disabilities are  people   who have  different personalities.    These people can be cliquish while others can be vary sweet and accept everyone.   But when   people  use the R word  they lump them all  together  in to a group that is beneath  the speak.  

 Having CP  which results in unclear s speech I  sometimes  get  treated as  though I have  a intellectual disability  due to my speech.  I know  the feeling  and it is not a good one. i  see  the  mindset  of thinking that  they are above me  and it does not feel right. I am  intelligent  but  even if i wasn't  I still would want to be treated with respect:Learning is  not everything   everyone needs to  realize  that a person is a person   who has  feelings  we  all   cry the  same tears. We all  feel sadness.  It is  what makes  us  human  so  think about that the  next time  before  use the  R word,

  Words DO Hurt

 Spread the word to end the word

 please comment before u leave

 got images  from

 spread the word  date for 2011-
 tear drop-
 Be a fan -

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

what would you do

 This show comes on  abc  Tuesday and Friday nights
   I gotta hand it to What would  you do    for  useing  TV to  teach  people how to be good citizens  which includes   how to treat people with different ablities.   Last night's show  was no exception, on that episode it   showed two  people with disablties ( a little person and a lady in the wheelchair) and  people 's  reactions to them in the suppermakert.     Both of those clips are worth the watch;however, I want to take a look at  the one of the person in a wheelchair


  People with disabilities are  not  hopeless  and do not need help all the time.  As I said  earlier people with Disabilities  do  become  adults  and   the public  has to be reminded  of that.  Recently  one of the basketball players  mom(  I play  on the special olympics team)   handled  my money for me  even though I  am able to  handle  my own money.  In that case I did not mind   because  I knew the lady and  i know she meant  no  harm   i  told  her after the fact.   That is why you need to ask people with disablties for help  before you help because  they might  be able to do it themsleves

  please comment before you leave

Thursday, February 17, 2011

If you could walk in my shoes

 From the  TV movie  to kill a mockingbird also a good movie
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill a Mockingbird
Atticus Finch to daughter Scout, Chapter 3

 I loved  reading  To Kill a mockingbird   if u  have not had a chance to  read it  Now to move   mediums from books to   Television

 I am soo happy that this is finally out  I am  thrilled  I got bullied in elementry and middle school, What happened in middle school is below

I remember when I was little and my dad told me that "Sticks and Stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you. Well I don't think it is true... Wait let me rephrase that it is . Princess and book gal have a easy cry baby that would me. My dad says that I am too sensitive and tells me to ignore it. That is the bad advice that you can give a victim of bullying disabled or not .Still don't believe me okay here comes a story

In sixth grade my mom and dad through that I should have one class in special education called RSP. it basically is a study hall with a special needs teacher who helps you do the work. Well in Sixth grade I had a guy in my class who always said I was a loner and no one played with me. I told the teacher and she said to ignore it because he was from a bad family and needed attention. Well I never could ignore it and I spent the remainder of my first middle school year yelling at him back and froth.

The school thorough I had behavior problems so in seventh grade I was put into a RSP room with a strict teacher and mean kids. Man did I hate that class. There were three other kids in the class who teased me and like the guy in 6th grade all of them came from middle class families trying to make ends meet. What made it worse was that there was a nice RSP room with good kids who teacher was nice. I also was the only one with my teachers on my RSP teacher case load The nice one had the others.

On Wednesdays were the hardest day of the week. The teacher had meetings that day and we were under supervision of a sub. One peculiar Wednesday a girl said that the entire 7th grade hated me. She was training for a peer helper and the class was talking about me and how much they hated me. My aid talked to me and sat by me during my next class and we talked to the head teacher(Who is a great guy that i had for math the next year) who told me that they had been talking about how to treat someone with a disability and my name came up. Someone did not learn their lesson.

Words do hurt and schools need to be aware of this and help those getting teased and don't tell them to ignore it . Think about it this way if your son/ daughter fell and scarped his/her knee you wipe it up right. Well bullying is like that only the cut is invisible It's a cut to the child self esteem

me and Lauren potter from Glee  she is spearheading the campaign I  am trying to get involved with this campaign

Monday, January 10, 2011

Deedah: the movie review

        How I got the movie 
to find out more about the movie  please visit

       In the fall  of 2010   I came across a  trailer for a movie made by  a sister about  her brother with down syndrome .  (This was  of course Deedah)    I watched it  over and over again   and wished I could have it  but I doubted that my parents would pay for it ( I have wanted the Child King for a while now but have not  yet seen it). I then found out about the blog and facebook group and I quickly  signed up for  both of them.  On the blog  in October -which is Down Syndrome and  Disability Awareness  month - the  blog  was giving away  a free copy of the DVD. I left a lot of comments   and  even though I did not win I still got a DVD for free due to my  "persistence and passion".    It was put in the mail  and  I waited  and waited  for the  DVD to show up. I would come home every day from collage and look in the mailbox  - which resulted in me taking the  mail in but after it came  the mail  was  not  that interesting  anymore - and  when it finally came I was  thrilled and excited  to see it.  Now a couple of months latter i have had the time to  review this movie.


 the  two kids from the film they are soo cute
  Like I said before Deedah  is a seven year old perspective about her brother with Down Syndrome.   The  two kids are -in the movie which was made  in 2009 so  they are a bit older now-  seven and five years old. Seven and five are  two cute  ages  and  these kids are no exception both kids are soo cute and fun to watch. The  sister is  the older one in the family with   her brother years behind him.   There names are John and Charlotte The name of the film comes from  the way john first said  his sister's name. John  was born with Down Syndrome  but the film  really shows how normal  his life really is.  John can   go down water slides, play mini-golf, and    goes to school in a inclusive program with  other   kindergartners.  The music  is  really  good , I found myself singing the songs in the film,  and  it  adds to the overall  positive tone of the documentary.  The documentary is extremely positive  from  Charlotte  perspective on her brothers disability. She  tells the audience   that everyone  has different  finger prints and  that her brother is   great just the way  he is.   John may have a speech delay but he able to articulate  his  disability as being UP Syndrome  instead of Down Syndome extremely loud and clear .

 The film also takes a brief  view on bulling.  This is where I think any kid   can  take something away from the movie. The film talks about  how bullying  hurts  even  if the Victor is disabled. It  gives kids   ideas  on how to deal with bullying and  how important it is to help  kids develop strategies  to stand up to those  mean kids.

  In conclusion I think Deedah  is a great movie. I wish it could have been longer.It  is 30 minutes  without bonus features) The songs are great and the kids are even better.  I think this type of video should be shown  in elementary schools   to help kids understand  Down Syndrome.   I would love to see more movies like Deedah  showing other  disabilities.  I think  movies like this have the potential  on how other kids  will view a child  with Down Syndrome.  After you see the movie there is  still the blog that  keeps you up to date about life after the documentary. I hope more movies  like Deedah  will be  made to show that all people with all types of disabilities  have more abilities then disabilities.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Life and times of a collage student with disablites

Well guys welcome to Inclusive school week on my blog I am going to try to post something every day this week about Inclusion and how beneficial it has been for me as a result. Lets get started. here are some pictures of my day as a collage student.

I ate this once when I couldn't find waffles

A typical day for me starts long after my sister go to their high school. I wake up around 9:00 and jump into the shower to begin my day. I get dressed and head down stairs where i take my morning medication and have some brekfast. If we have any waffles in the house I will put them in the toster put way to much syurp on them and gobble them down while watching my shows on the DVR. If I am done with breakfast by 10:45 I grab my hat and head to school. I enjoy the walk to school it is about an hour give or take but it is good excersise I have to go up a big hill but the only the first third is steap. If it is late I take a bus or my parents drive me, if they are home. I go to the local Comminty collage which i am hoping to change and start over as a freshman at a four year school next fall.

First stop for me when I get to collage

The first order of business when I get on campus is to go to the Asstive technology center and get Something cheak back tomorrow to see what it is . I then go to my class which starts at 12:10. It is Intermediate Algebra. I sit up front in a seat that is reserved for me, The sign that is in the picture is taken off but no one sits there. The instructor is a guy named Will (not his real name) He is really nice and has high expectations for me. He does not think I a pain to teach and trust me enough to let me lend money. After his class I head upstairs for an English class with Jone( again not real name) the class is pretty easy for me. It is a step below collage English but I will be doing Freshman English in January. I have two friends in that class who went to my rival high school but we get along alright. I also have an old friend that I had in high school when I was friends with DD. I thought that collage would be so scary but Mr T was right I would be fine.

Tuesday post will be on what I pick up at the office

If you have a child in middle school make sure you tell them about the I am norm video contest happening this week for more info click here

Monday, October 11, 2010

I am norm

  Back  in  January  when  Mr T  was a  daily  person in my life and   collage was just a word  there  was a  event  that i did  not  get to go  to.   Dan  Habib  (the  flimaker of  Inculdeing Sam)    was nice of  enough  to let me  join in and  help with  what they started at the event.  i have  "met "  so many wonderfull teenagers  who  are also dedicated to  disability advocacy.  

 the  campaign is  I am  norm . In that people with disabilities are normal.    It is  geared  for middle schoolers  For more information   visit here,

  The  birth  of    the project

 My  video  based on  the  I am norm  theme song


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day

Me Running the 200 hundred in the Special Olympics in  Spring 2010  I am the one in the middle

Today is the first annual Eunice Kennedy Shriner Day As a Special Olympics Athlete and as a friend who is officer to best buddies for two years now.( You rock LM are u doing it again senior year) It was a important day. This morning I went to the Young Athlete Day and they had lots of stuff to try out more than in others past. They had golf basketball bowling trike dancing and crafts as well as soccer softball hockey an obstacle course I had a lot of fun today. I also might be attending the bay area buddy walk for the first time this year. Book gal and Princess had V ball and Princess's team won second.

Before I go I will leave u with what I blogged about last year

Got some good news some bad news and something to bringing it all together
Bad News : A big disability advocate died today. Well this morning Eunice Kennedy Shiver died . She was 88 years old. Eunice was the founder of the special Olympics. She believed in all people even those with disabilities could succeed. She made it possible for the good news.
Good news; I have my drivers permit today one of my summer goals archived .
I am vary lucky to have been born in the 90's . In the 90's Life Goes On was teaching people that people with disailitie had more abilities then people give them credit ADA was passed.

 Me and my sisters  1995 left to right  pricess,Az and bookgal
Let's imagine for a minute that i was born in the 60.'s In the 60's most people with disabilities were locked away in intuitions or kept at home. ( my dad 's friend's brother had DS ) No one thought they could do much and could not contribute in a manful way. Imagine a disabled teenager from the 60's without IEP the chance to mainstream to be independent. Then you can understand what Eunice saw and deiced to do something about it thus the Special Olympics was born.
As a special Olympics athlete and a disabled advocate (in training ) I have a lot of respect and thankfulness for the work Eunice did. Special Olympics use sports to change the way people see people with disabilities as people (as Clayton puts it ) with different abilities
I am glad I was born in the 90's and have been given chance after chance to be the best person I can be .

I am glad to have grown up in the 90's and 200s a time where it is possible for a person with a disability to go to mainstream school, play sports, discover new sports and use them to mainstream into typical sports at there high school, go to collage , and even get there driver license. Thank you Eunice shrive for working so hard to befit people with disabilities rest in peace.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Laughter is always the best medicence

  the  story:  In  speech  one day  my speech teacher  Ms.F   in a effort to  see that  I am  not the only one who speaks   badly    told me about a deaf  lady who  was a  stand  up comic.  We  looked on  youtube   heard  her speek  the   bell  rang  and  I had   Mr.T    next period  so  i    rushed  to his classroom   and forgot about  it

August  2010: I am   web sufeing on  youtube and frond this  and  it  hit me that this  was the same  lady  Ms.F had  told  me about. I watched  it and all  I can say  is that her experince   is  so similar to  mine. My favorite  part  is     about the   red ballon and Mike. This video will make  you cry  laugh    and  be in awe.  Enjoy it my  friends